Welcome day for the students of the first edition of the Erasmus Mundus Master COASTHazar
NOTICIAS The rector Ángel Pazos has received the students of this new degree of the ETSI of Civil Engineering and Ports. The rector of the Universidad de Cantabria (UC), Ángel Pazos, welcomed the first 20 students of the Master COASTHazar (Coastal Hazards -...
IHCantabria presents the results of the European BE-READY project for the fight against marine pollution by accidental spills.
NOTICIAS This project to prevent and respond to accidental spills at sea has created a tool that facilitates rapid environmental assessment decisions in real-time. On 27 June, the auditorium of IHCantabria hosted the BE-READY presentation day, in which the main...
IHCantabria research staff develop a methodology for a more accurate characterisation of the agitation climate in harbours
NEWS Research staff from the Hydrodynamics and Coastal Infrastructures group of the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria) have developed a numerical methodology for a more precise characterisation of the historical...
Íñigo Losada, awarded by the International Association for Research in Environmental Hydraulics
NOTICIAS This is one of the world's leading awards in this field of knowledgeÍñigo J. Losada Rodríguez, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Cantabria (UC) and Director of Research at the UC Institute of Environmental Hydraulics...
The researcher David Lucio from IHCantabria wins the First Modesto Vigueras 2022 Prize
NEWS The Technical Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPC) has awarded the First "Modesto Vigueras 2022 Award", which recognises young researchers in the port and coastal sectors, to the researcher of the Hydraulics Institute of the Universidad de Cantabria...
IHCantabria research staff participate in a study on the vulnerability of coastal areas to sea level rise.
NOTICIAS Itxaso Odériz Martínez, a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria) within the Climate and Climate Change group, is one of the primary authors, together with various specialists in the climate...
Personal de Investigación del equipo de Tsunamis de IHCantabria explica cómo se está implementando el primer caso piloto español del programa IOC UNESCO Tsunami Ready.
NOTICIAS Personal de Investigación del equipo de Tsunamis del Instituto Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria), participa en la primera sesión virtual “Ocean Decade Safe Oceans Lab Satellite Activity: 100% of at-risk communities...
El Consejo Social UC premia la tesis de Alexandra Toimil, integrante del grupo de Clima Marino y Cambio Climático de IHCantabria.
NOTICIAS Los premios dirigidos pretenden impulsar la investigación en las diferentes áreas de conocimiento, otorgando un premio por cada una de ellas: Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Ciencias de la Salud; Humanidades; Ciencias Experimentales y Matemáticas; e...
[:es] IHCantabria alberga el evento nacional sobre Especialización Inteligente para las Energías Renovables Marinas
The Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria is now a Research Member of the European Water Association (EWA).
NOTICIAS Thanks to the incorporation as a research member of this association, IHCantabria will have the opportunity to increase its positioning and visibility in the field of water. The European Water Association is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental...
The strategy for the protection of the Balearic coast, drafted by IHCantabria in collaboration with local and international experts, has been presented
NOTICIAS The strategy aims to guide decision-making regarding the actions to be carried out to manage the risk of coastal erosion on the Balearic coast. The Vice-President and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera,...
IHCantabria research staff develop a remote sensing model to reduce the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to erosion.
NOTICIAS IHCantabria's Research Staff has a place in the special issue "New Insights into Ecosystem Monitoring Using Geospatial Techniques" of the journal Remote Sensing with the article entitled "From Forest Dynamics to Wetland Siltation in Mountainous...