Hydraulic Engineering

Hydraulic Engineering

The Hydraulic engineering group is a research team specialized in the design, construction and management of engineering projects related to water, as well as in related environmental aspects.

The research team follows current trends in the scientific community by focusing on, for example, hydraulic planning and hydrological planning studies, hydraulic modelling, flood risk assessment and mitigation, etc…


Natural risks

Floodability and landslide studies
Analysis of fluvial morphodynamic processes (erosion and sediment transport)
Design of risk mitigation actions
Cost/benefit analysis

Integrated watersheds management

Water resources studies
Determination of ecological flows
Models of management and optimization of uses
Assessment of water erosion and soil loss processes

Supply and sanitation systems

Network analysis and optimization
Design of submarine emissaries and discharge pipelines
Analysis of the urban water cycle
Preparation of General Supply and Sanitation Plans



Effects of Hydrological Alteration on the Operation of Rivers and the Provision of Services: Implications for the integrated management of watersheds.
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Study of key aspects for determining ecological flows in estuaries (CGL2009-10620).


Optimization of networks to monitor the preservation status of high mountain rivers
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Prieto, C.Le Vine, N.Kavetski, D.Garcia, E., & Medina, R. ( 2019).
Flow prediction in ungauged catchments using probabilistic Random Forests regionalization and new statistical adequacy tests.
Water Resources Research55https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR023254

Addor, N., Nearing, G., Prieto, C., Newman, A. J.<, Le Vine, N., & Clark, M. P. (2018).
A ranking of hydrological signatures based on their predictability in space
Water Resources Research,54,8792–8812. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR022606

Garcia Alonso, J. Rojo Gómez, C. Álvarez Diáz, P. Díaz Simal, and R. Minguez Solana.
Design criteria for flood-defense structures based on probabilistic cost-benefit optimization with value at risk (VaR) methods. Application to the Choluteca River in Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
Journal ref.: E3S web Conf. 3rd European conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016)

J. Peñas, J. Barquin, C. Alvarez.
Sources of variation in hydrological classifications: Time scale, flow series origin and classification procedure.
Journal ref.: Journal of Hydrology.

P. Pereiral, P.C.C. Rosman, C. Álvarez, C.A.F. Schetini, R.O.Souza, R.H.S.F.
Vieira Modeling of coastal water contamination in Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil)
Journal ref.: Water Science and Tecnology

Vegas, C. Álvarez, A. García, J.A. Revilla.
Estimated distributed rainfall interception using a simple conceptual model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS)
Journal ref.: Journal of Hydrology.

Prieto, C., Le-Vine, N., Vitolo, C., García, E., and Medina, R. (2016a).
Reducing model structural uncertainty in predictions for ungauged basins via Bayesian approach.
Abstract for the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, available online: HERE
Presentation for the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, available online:HERE


César Álvarez

César Álvarez

Head of Hydraulic Engineering Group

Elsa Cacho

Elsa Cacho


Gonzalo Hernández

Gonzalo Hernández


Luis Carlos Lorenzo

Luis Carlos Lorenzo


Cristina Prieto

Cristina Prieto


Jorge Rojo

Jorge Rojo


Amaia María Ruíz

Amaia María Ruíz


Natalia Sampedro

Natalia Sampedro


Beatriz Tejerina

Beatriz Tejerina


Farzad Hosseini Hossein

Farzad Hosseini Hossein



Dmtri Kavetski

Dmtri Kavetski

Adjunct researcher