The CCOB is part of MARHIS, Maritime Aggregated Research Hydraulic Infrastructures, a distributed research infrastructure of Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), the only one of its kind in the field of hydraulic engineering.
Its objective is to increase the efficiency and capacity of Spain’s numerical, experimental and field facilities for coastal and port applications, offshore engineering and the multiple interactions between structures and ocean climate factors.
The Laboratory of Coastal Engineering, Oceanography and Hydraulics conducts physical model testing to study phenomena related to wave generation and propagation, wave-wave and wave-structure interaction, the stability and behavior of coastal protection structures, seawalls and marine structures, the behavior of floating structures, the operation of hydraulic valves and machines, and to test marine energy generation devices.
The capacities of the facilities, the experience of the staff members and the use of state-of-the-art numerical modeling software and advanced instrumentation allow us to conduct basic research testing on the behavior of fluids, structures and devices, to calibrate and validate all types of numerical models, and to test and optimize specific designs for applied fluvial and marine structures and models.
2D Physical Modeling
3D Physical Modeling
Hydrodynamic analysis of 2D/3D vehicles
Analysis of observation equipment
2D/3D Numerical Modeling
Applied Tools
Risk Analysis
Pre-operational systems analysis
Design and manufacturing of models
Numerical mirror and hybrid modeling
SDL Measurements (Ship Dynamic Lab)
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Visit the CCOB website
Find out more about our services and facilities
Visit the CCOB website
IHCantabria headquarters

- Overall dimensions: 30 m long x 44 m wide x 4.75 m high
- Test area: up to 24 m long x 32 m wide
- Operating depth: 0.2 m to 3.4 m
- Multidirectional wave generator
- Waves up to Hs = 1.1 m @ Tp = 3s & 2.5 m depth
- Bidirectional current generator
- Rotatable wind generator
- 6 meter diameter basin with an additional 8 meters of depth
- Active absorption in front and side blades & dissipators
- Overall dimensions: 56 m long x 2 m wide x 2.5 m high
- Fully transparent section: 24 m Maximum depth in test area: 1.3 m
- Wave generator at flume head, with 2-m stroke
- Maximum wave in test area Hs = 0.55 m @ Tp = 3s, 1.05 m depth
- Bidirectional current system: up to 0.3 m3/s, active absorption system in front blade & dissipator
- Equipped with instrumentation
Hydraulic test space
- Overall dimensions: 30 m long x 14 m wide x 10 m high on waterproof slab
- Multi-purpose development campaign, river channels, dams, special tests, characterization of flotsam …
Single-axis seismic table
- Dimensions: 3.5 m long x 2.5 m wide.
- Maximum load: 20 tons
- Maximum dynamic force: 200 kN @ 8Hz.
Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin
Overall dimensions: 30 m long x 44 m wide x 4.75 m high
Test area: up to 24 m long x 32 m wide
Operating depth: 0.2 m to 3.4 m
Multidirectional wave generator
Waves up to Hs = 1.1 m @ Tp = 3s & 2.5 m depth
Bidirectional current generator
Rotatable wind generator
6 meter diameter basin with an additional 8 meters of depth
Active absorption in front and side blades & dissipators
Wave-Current-Tsunami flume (COCOTSU)
Overall dimensions: 56 m long x 2 m wide x 2.5 m high
Fully transparent section: 24 m Maximum depth in test area: 1.3 m
Wave generator at flume head, with 2-m stroke
Maximum wave in test area Hs = 0.55 m @ Tp = 3s, 1.05 m depth
Bidirectional current system: up to 0.3 m3/s, active absorption system in front blade & dissipator
Equipped with instrumentation
Other Facilities
Hydraulic test space
Overall dimensions: 30 m long x 14 m wide x 10 m high on waterproof slab
Multi-purpose development campaign, river channels, dams, special tests, characterization of flotsam …
Single-axis seismic table
Dimensions: 3.5 m long x 2.5 m wide.
Maximum load: 20 tons
Maximum dynamic force: 200 kN @ 8Hz.
University campus
- Overall dimensions: 68 m long x 2 m wide x 2 m high
- Section with transparent side: 26.5 m
- Maximum depth in test area: 1.4 m
- Wave generator at flume head, with 1.1 m stroke
- Maximum wave in test area Hs = 0.6 m @ Tp = 3s, 1.2 m depth
- Bidirectional current system: up to 0.3 m3/s
- Active absorption system in front and blade & dissipator (beach)
- Equipped with instrumentation cart
Directional Wave Tank
Overall dimensions: 28 m long x 8.6 m wide x 1.2 m high
Test area: up to 25 m long x 8.6 m wide
Operating depth: 0.1 m to 0.8 m
Multidirectional wave generator
Waves up to Hs = 0.4 m @ Tp = 3s & 0.8 m depth active absorption in front and side blades & dissipators
Wave Flume
Overall dimensions: 68 m long x 2 m wide x 2 m high
Section with transparent side: 26.5 m
Maximum depth in test area: 1.4 m
Wave generator at flume head, with 1.1 m stroke
Maximum wave in test area Hs = 0.6 m @ Tp = 3s, 1.2 m depth
Bidirectional current system: up to 0.3 m3/s
Active absorption system in front and blade & dissipator (beach)
Equipped with instrumentation cart
Means of lifting and transport
Bridge crane: 10 Tn capacity in IH, 5 Tn in Escuela Universidad de Cantabria
Forklift (Toro)
Carpentry shop
Equipped with multiple tools and facilities for manufacturing and adjusting parts made of metal, wood, methacrylate, PVC, plastic, etc., all necessary to make mock-ups and models, fastening elements and microstructures.
Granulometry shop
Equipped with various sieving machines, along with a set of sieves, storage silos and weighing scales.
Pumping systems
Mobile and adjustable bench with centrifugal pumps of different capacities, with programmable frequency controller.
Means of lifting and transport
Bridge crane: 10 Tn capacity in IH, 5 Tn in Escuela Universidad de Cantabria
Forklift (Toro)
Carpentry shop
Equipped with multiple tools and facilities for manufacturing and adjusting parts made of metal, wood, methacrylate, PVC, plastic, etc., all necessary to make mock-ups and models, fastening elements and microstructures.
Granulometry shop
Equipped with various sieving machines, along with a set of sieves, storage silos and weighing scales.
Pumping systems
Mobile and adjustable bench with centrifugal pumps of different capacities, with programmable frequency controller.
Synchronized data acquisition systems (National Instruments) with software specifically developed for the laboratory (Labview).
Specific sensors for free-surface laboratory tests: pressure, forces, moments, accelerations, speed, etc.
Body position tracking (Qualisys).
Motion tracking (IMUs).
Real-time IP video synchronized with other laser scanner sensors.
Stereoscopy surveying equipment.
Underwater profiler.
Specific sensors for field measurements of temperature and pressure.
Surface ADCP.
Integrated monitoring system for floating platforms.
Custom made specifications, integrated in model, wireless systems.
Synchronized data acquisition systems (National Instruments) with software specifically developed for the laboratory (Labview).
Specific sensors for free-surface laboratory tests: pressure, forces, moments, accelerations, speed, etc.
Body position tracking (Qualisys).
Motion tracking (IMUs).
Real-time IP video synchronized with other laser scanner sensors.
Stereoscopy surveying equipment.
Underwater profiler.
Specific sensors for field measurements of temperature and pressure.
Surface ADCP.
Integrated monitoring system for floating platforms.
Custom made specifications, integrated in model, wireless systems.