advisory board


As an international consultative body, the purpose of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is to contribute to the evaluation of the progress made by IHCantabria in the achievement of its research goals, as well as to provide expert guidance and recommendations for us to address the new challenges ahead in the pursue of scientific excellence. 

The Scientific advisory board’s structure consists of 5 full members with a relevant and solid international experience in key disciplines of our activity and 2 permanent honorary members. 

Scientific advisory board


Laura Airoldi

Laura Airoldi

Full Professor, University of Bologna (Italy)

María José Polo

María José Polo

Full Professor, University of Córdoba (Spain)

María José Sanz

María José Sanz

Scientific Director, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3, Spain)

Marcel J.F. Stive

Marcel J.F. Stive

Emeritus professor, Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)

Joaquín Tintoré

Joaquín Tintoré

Director, Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB, Spain)


Robert A. Dalrymple

Robert A. Dalrymple

Distinguished Professor, McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University (USA)

Carlos M. Duarte

Carlos M. Duarte

Tarek Ahmed Juffali Research Chair, Red Sea Ecology (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - KAUST, Saudi Arabia)