The IHCantabria researcher María Maza gives the opening seminar of the 8th edition of the Brunings Lecture at the University of Utrecht
NOTICIAS The researcher of the Climate Risks, Adaptation and Resilience group of IHCantabria and professor at the University of Cantabria, María E. Maza Fernández gave this Tuesday, January 24, the seminar of the 8th edition of the Brunings Lecture at the...
IHCantabria researchers participates in the PI-BREAK project, which objective is to develop ways to adapt the breakwater breakwaters
NOTICIAS The project will develop ways of adapting the breakwater breakwaters with particular attention to their functionality and structural integrity. The State Research Agency, under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, has granted a grant to the project...
IHCantabria participates in the Erasmus+ BEACON project for adaptation to climate change in coastal urban environments.
NOTICIAS The Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria) participates in the BEACON project (Built Environment leArning for Climate adaptatiON) or "Learning to adapt to climate change in the built environment" in Spanish,...
The ERASMUS+ TRASMARES project ends with more than 1,100 students trained in the conservation of coastal ecosystems
NOTICIAS The Erasmus+ TRASMARES project has ended with more than 1,100 students trained in the conservation of coastal ecosystems, with a Conference for the Dissemination of Results recently held at the headquarters of the Representation of the European...
IHCantabria participates in the recently awarded MAR+ project: towards a better use of marine energies.
NEWS As an accelerator of marine renewable technologies, the MAR+ project was born on December 23rd, coordinated by IHCantabria and BiMEP. Its funding comes from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.This project aims to support the development and...
ISOBARA project awarded to contribute to the evolution of floating wind platform design
NEWS With the challenge of consolidating its position as a relevant player at international level in the offshore wind sector, the ISOBARA project was approved on December 23. The objective of this project is to contribute to the evolution of the design of a...
IHCantabria’s BioCa project, which studies the possible effect of climate change on macroalgae biodiversity, gets underway
NEWS This project, funded by the State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, investigates the interaction between native and invasive macroalgae species in order to understand and predict their responses to climate change. Its execution...
IHCantabria starts PLATICAS project to support Sustainable Blue Growth in the Spanish Atlantic regions
PLATICAS is a collaborative working environment for developing the 7 “Blue Growth Knowledge Spaces” led by academic and scientific-technological entities of the Atlantic autonomous communities.
The IHCantabria Marsha project will be funded by the State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
NEWS The objective of this project is to generate knowledge and tools to support the design and planning of restoration actions aimed at maintaining and improving biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services. IHCantabria researchers Bárbara Ondiviela...
IHCantabria participates in CoCliCo, the European project to analyse coastal risks and implement more efficient and sustainable adaptation measures
El proyecto Coastal Climate Core Service (CoCliCo) aspira a crear una plataforma web abierta que facilite tomar decisiones sobre el riesgo y la adaptación de las costas al cambio climático . Personal investigador de IHCantabria, junto a otras dieciocho instituciones socias, desarrollarán este proyecto financiado con fondos europeos hasta 2026.
IHCantabria receives Spain’s 1st Offshore Wind Energy Award
NEWS The Spanish Wind Energy Association presented the 1st Offshore Wind Energy Award to IHCantabria for the “promotion and development of offshore wind energy in Spain” during the 1st Offshore Wind Energy Congress held in Bilbao on November 22 and 23.The jury of...
The Coclico project, whose purpose is to support decision-making on coastal risk management and adaptation to climate change, begins.
NEWS Last October, IHCantabria researchers, together with eighteen other partners, initiated the CoCliCo project, financed with European funds, whose purpose is to support decision-making on coastal risk management and adaptation to climate change. To this end,...