IHCantabria researchers receive one of the Botin Foundatio’s ‘IX Awards for Sustainable Water Management’

From left to right: Salvador Navas Fernández, Dina V. Gómez Rave and Manuel del Jesus Peñil, researchers of the Hydroclimatology Group at IHCantabria.
The work of Manuel del Jesus Peñil, Salvador Navas Fernández, and Dina V. Gómez Rave is acknowledged for a project that addresses the estimation of contributions to reservoirs under climate change scenarios.
The researchers from the Hydroclimatology Group at the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria), Manuel del Jesus Peñil, Salvador Navas Fernández y Dina V. Gomez Rave, received last night in Madrid the “M.R. Llamas” Young Talent Award from the Water Observatory of the Botin Foundation, as part of the IX Awards for Sustainable Water Management.
Named in tribute to Professor Manuel Ramón Llamas, the “M.R. Llamas” Young Talent Award recognized the exceptional contribution of the project entitled “Estimation of minimum inflows to reservoirs within the context of climate change” for the creation of a methodological Guide on the same topic. This project was developed by this group of researchers for the Fundación Canal, with the collaboration of Canal de Isabel II. The Botin Foundation’s Water Observatory aimed to highlight and recognize projects and individuals dedicated to bridging societal sectors for improved water management.
The head of the Hydroclimatology Group of IHCantabria is Manuel del Jesus Peñil, who confirms the importance of this recognition, with the following words: “The Water Observatory of the Botin Foundation is a very important actor in the world of water in Spain. That it has recognized the transfer work we do, through the Guide project we have developed for the Fundación Canal, is a source of great satisfaction and an additional motivation to continue with our work and our efforts to connect the academic world and the world of water professionals, trying to ensure that society enjoys the best possible technologies in the solutions to their water problems”.
This project has set a milestone by addressing the estimation of reservoir inflows under climate change scenarios. The methodological guide, created as a result of this project, offers an updated and comprehensive approach to assess the impacts of climate change on water inputs, using various data available and accessible in Spain.
The contribution of this project has been boosted by the creation of the Simulator for Climate Change Forecasting in Reservoirs (SIMPCCe)This innovative open source and free use application was created at the initiative of IHCantabria, with the aim of applying the analysis described in the methodological guide in an agile and precise manner, to facilitate the performance of climate change forecasts on reservoir inflows.
Support from the Botin Foundation for Sustainable Water Management
Promoting innovation and the dissemination of ideas, projects, initiatives and technologies that offer proven results in sustainable water management is part of the Botin Foundation’s mission, which justified its call for the IX Awards for Sustainable Water Management, between March and July, 2023.
The presentation of these awards was held this Thursday at the Botin Foundation headquarters, in Madrid, after a colloquium on “Challenges in water management in the Global South”, in which two members of the Advisory Council of the Water Observatory -Bárbara Willaarts and Gonzalo Delacámara- shared their perspectives and experiences from their work in several countries of the Global South.
About the characteristics of these awards, and about the distinction obtained by three researchers of IHCantabria, you can read more information on the following link.
More information about all the awarded projects in the IX edition of the Botin Foundation’s Sustainable Water Management Awards, on the following link.

Moment of reception of the “M.R. Llamas” Young Talent Award by three researchers from the Hydroclimatology Group of IHCantabria, within the framework of the presentation ceremony of the ‘X Awards for Sustainable Water Management’, of the Botin Foundation , on Thursday, December 14, in Madrid