Launching of the first course on Marine Ecosystems of the Erasmus+ TRASMARES project

by | 19 Sep, 2022 | Training, General News, General News, Training | 0 comments

TRASMARES presents a training itinerary of four free online courses to learn about new methodologies and tools for the conservation and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems in the context of climate change.

 The Universidad de Cantabria (UC) is participating, together with the universities of Bologna (Italy) and Coimbra (Portugal), as well as the company Telefónica Educación Digital (TED) as a technological partner.

Last Monday, the 12th of September, starts the online course “Innovative methods to assess the distribution of marine ecosystems”. This course is intended for graduates, undergraduates, postgraduates, and vocational training students, with an environmental qualification profile, as well as technical professionals from administrations and managers, to provide them with innovative, modern, and dynamic training in areas related to coastal ecosystems.

Specifically, this first MOOC reviews the main characteristics of the different coastal ecosystems, explaining the concept of diversity and the different approaches to characterize their spatial and temporal distribution.

It also introduces the the concept of “ecosystem services”; relating it to their functions and benefits, as well as the different ways of classifying and quantifying them.

In addition, students will acquire a broad knowledge of the most innovative methodologies and tools available to determine the distribution and functions of coastal ecosystems.


To complete this course, it is necessary to pass the evaluation tests established in each module, both self-assessment tests and interactive activities. It also offers the option of an individual certificate of completion and also offers the option of an individual certificate of completion of each of the four MOOCs, or accreditation of knowledge of the complete itinerary in the case of completing the four courses and passing the global test.

TRASMARES training program

The course is part of the TRASMARES (Specialized Training on Applied tools for Sustainable MARine EcosystemS) training program, whose itinerary offers a offers a flexible and innovative learning pathway for those who wish to develop specific skills in coastal ecosystem sustainability through a multidisciplinary, practical, and integrated approach.

The goal is to provide world-class knowledge on new methodologies, procedures and tools for the conservation and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems in the context of climate change.

The other three courses that make up the pathway are: “Human activities and vulnerability of marine ecosystems”, “Nature-based solutions as proactive approaches to conservation”, and “Land-sea-ocean interactions: from coastal management to maritime spatial planning”.


An unparalleled partnership between three European Higher Education Institutions is responsible for the scientific soundness of this ambitious training initiative: Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), Università di Bologna (Italy), and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) with Telefónica Educación Digital (TED), a leading international provider of high impact life-long learning solutions.

This alliance guarantees the participation of a wide range of experts in diverse and complementary fields, including nature conservation, ecosystems’ vulnerability, nature-based solutions and land-seaocean interactions.

More information:


The Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria) is a joint research institute focused on the integrated management of water-associated socio-ecological systems. Founded in 2007 from the collaboration between the Universidad de Cantabria and the Government of Cantabria, its mission is to promote multidisciplinary and collaborative scientific excellence and its knowledge transfer to drive innovation that contributes to accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals aiming for a just, inclusive, responsible and resilient society.


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