IHCantabria coordinated and carried out the work that allowed Chipiona to be recognized as a ‘Tsunami Ready’ municipality by UNESCO-IOC

“What to do in case of a tsunami” is the title of the information panel with (from left to right): Francisco Castro (municipal focal point for the implementation of the Tsunami Ready program), Denis Chang Seng (ICG/NEAMTWS Technical Secretary), Luis Mario Aparecro (Mayor of Chipiona) and Ignacio Aguirre (representing IHCantabria)
Chipiona is the first Spanish municipality to obtain this international recognition, which is achieved with the involvement of the main actors in tsunami risk management at the national level, as well as the autonomous community and municipalities, with the aim of strengthening tsunami preparedness and increasing the resilience of coastal communities
The Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the University of Cantabria(IHCantabria) has played a fundamental role in the recognition of Chipiona as the first Spanish municipality to obtain the “Tsunami Ready” recognition of the program sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.
After approximately three years of hard work, Chipiona celebrated its recognition as a “Tsunami Ready” municipality, in a ceremony that took place last June 21, in the Chipiona Castle. This recognition is the result of a joint effort between the municipality and the main institutions related to tsunami risk management in Spain and the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. This event was attended by various local and international authorities and entities.
IHCantabria has participated in this process since 2020, through its researcher Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe, who participated in the ceremony last June 21 in his role as coordinator of the implementation of the UNESCO-IOC “Tsunami Ready” recognition program in Chipiona and as coordinator of the CoastWAVE project in Spain.
A pioneer municipality in tsunami preparedness
The Municipality of Chipiona is located in the province of Cadiz, which is an area exposed to tsunamis, as evidenced by the devastating event of 1755, in the Gulf of Cadiz.
The Tsunami Ready program recognizes Chipiona for its commitment to tsunami risk assessment, preparedness and response. To achieve this, since 2020 IHCantabria implemented a process aimed at turning Chipiona into a pilot municipality of the UNESCO-IOC international voluntary program “Tsunami Ready”.
The Tsunami Ready program has been sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO since 2015. It is an international, voluntary program whose main objective is to prevent the loss of lives and livelihoods by assessing tsunami risk, implementing early warning systems and raising awareness among exposed communities.
“To obtain the ‘Tsunami Ready’ recognition, municipalities must comply with a series of requirements grouped into 12 indicators that include three main aspects: assessment, preparedness and response. These requirements range from hazard zone mapping and tsunami evacuation mapping and planning, to conducting drills and having a specific municipal tsunami risk plan in place,” reported Ignacio Aguirre.
All these requirements were met by the Municipality of Chipiona, thanks to the commitment and collaborative effort of the municipality, with the support of the main actors regarding tsunami risk management in Spain and the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The coordination of this project by Ignacio Aguirre, from IHCantabria, has been fundamental in guiding the municipality of Chipiona through this rigorous process.
“It should be noted that this process has allowed the municipality of Chipiona to be a pioneer in having a Local Action Plan for Tsunamis, which was initially approved in the ordinary municipal plenary session of May 23, 2024,” said Ignacio Aguirre.
Chipiona now stands as a role model for other coastal municipalities, in Spain and abroad, considering that compliance with the requirements of the “Tsunami Ready” recognition program implies compliance with those required by national legislation.

Moment of the ceremony of recognition of Chipiona as a “Tsunami Ready” municipality, by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, which took place on June 21, in the Castle of Chipiona. In the photo are, from left to right: Ignacio Aguirre (coordinator of the CoastWAVE project in Spain and of the implementation of the UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready program in Chipiona), Luis Mario Aparecro (mayor of Chipiona, who holds a plaque commemorating this recognition), Denis Chang Seng (ICG/NEAMTWS Technical Secretary) and Francisco Castro (municipal focal point for the implementation of the Tsunami Ready program)