IHCantabria completes the ATLAS-PRO project in which we analyse the effects of climate change on marine aquaculture in Spanish waters
NOTICIAS On December 31st, the ATLAS-PRO project, financed by the PLEAMAR program of the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, will end within the 2018 Call for Proposals. The ATLAS-PRO project "PROyección frente a escenarios de...
IHCantabria will participate in the Strategic Environmental Plan Saja-Besaya 20-30
The Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria) will participate in the implementation of the Saja-Besaya 20-30 Environmental Strategic Plan, a document which, under the leadership of the Regional Ministry of Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment of Cantabria, will involve the carrying out of a series of actions that will guide the environmental management of both basins towards sustainable development.(CONTENT IN SPANISH)
IHCantabria has participated in the Kick-off-Meeting of PORTOS Project, which took place in Oporto (Portugal) on 8-9 July 2019
HCantabria has participated in the Kick-off-Meeting of PORTOS Project, which took place in Oporto (Portugal) on 8-9 July 2019 at FEUP facilities (Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto).
IHCantabria researcher Iñigo Aniel-Quiroga received the modesto vigueras second prize in the 2019 competition
The Technical Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPyC) has awarded our researcher Íñigo Aniel-Quiroga with the second “Modesto Vigueras 2019 Award”, which rewards young professionals from the port and coastal sectors, for his work “Advances in the resistant design of maritime structures exposed to the action of tsunamis”.
MSP – Blue time machine from ihcantabria won the second prize on EUDatathon 2019
Our project “The Blue Time Machine” was awarded second place in EU Datathon 2019, in the category “Tackling Climate Change”, which rewards the development of applications that offer new services using data provided by European Union institutions.
IHCantabria has created a set of tutorials with the aim of introducing the use of IHFOAM for applications associated with coastal and offshore engineering.
IHCantabria has created a set of tutorials with the aim of introducing the use of IHFOAM for applications associated with coastal and offshore engineering.
IHCantabria has participated in the Final Workshop of the , which took place in Oporto (Portugal) on 12 June 2019 at Auditorio Infante D. Henrique, APDL (Port Authority of Leixões, Matosinhos, Portugal).
The natura 2000 network in cantabria, protagonist of the first day of the technology transfer seminars at IHCantabria
La Red Natura 2000 Europea en Cantabria (RN2000) ha sido objeto de análisis y debate durante la primera jornada de los Seminarios de Transferencia que se ha celebrado este jueves en las instalaciones del Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental
Nuestros directores Íñigo Losada y Raúl Medina, Cántabros del Año 2018
Back to News En la 34ª gala del Anuario de Cantabria celebrada ayer en el palacio de los deportes de Santander y organizada por El Diario Montañes, nuestro director general Raúl Medina y nuestro Director de Investigación Íñigo Losada fueron nombrados cántabros...
IHCantabria, en consorcio con CEPSA, ha sido adjudicatario con el proyecto SICMA en el programa RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2017
NOTICIAS IHCantabria, en consorcio con CEPSA, ha resultado adjudicatario con el proyecto SICMA, dentro del programa estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la saociedad, en el marco del plan estatal de investigación científica...
IHCantabria realizará ensayos experimentales dirigidos a desarrollar un innovador sistema de predicción de cargas en los sistemas de fondeo en plataformas flotantes para la generación energía en el mar
NOTICIAS Los ensayos se desarrollarán en el marco del proyecto PREDICARG, liderado por la empresa cántabra DEGIMA ( y en el que IHCantabria participa junto con el Centro Tecnológico de Componentes ( y las...
IHCantabria, as part of an international consortium of public agencies, has won a major project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop innovative Earth Observation (EO) products/information
NOTICIAS An international consortium of public agencies: the British Geological Survey (U.K.); IHCantabria (Spain) and Geological Survey Ireland (Ireland) and companies: ARGANS (U.K.); isardSAT (Spain); adwäisEO (Luxembourg); Arctus (Canada) and IGN-FI (France)...