IHCantabria, as part of an international consortium of public agencies, has won a major project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop innovative Earth Observation (EO) products/information
NOTICIAS An international consortium of public agencies: the British Geological Survey (U.K.); IHCantabria (Spain) and Geological Survey Ireland (Ireland) and companies: ARGANS (U.K.); isardSAT (Spain); adwäisEO (Luxembourg); Arctus (Canada) and IGN-FI (France)...
IHCantabria finaliza el proyecto “Pradera” financiado por la Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Transición Ecológica
NOTICIAS El pasado 28 de febrero finalizó el proyecto PRADERA, financiado por la Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Transición Ecológica, dentro de la Convocatoria 2018 y en el que se ha diseñado una Red de seguimiento para caracterizar y evaluar el...
IHCANTABRIA participa en el proyecto SAFE, en el que se desarrollará un sistema de control para el fondeo autónomo de estructuras en obras marítimas.
NOTICIAS IHCantabria participa en el desarrollo de un Sistema Autónomo para el Fondeo de Estructuras en obras marítimas, que reducirá riesgos y aumentará la seguridad y la eficiencia de las maniobras de fondeo durante la construcción de una obra marítima.El...
NEWS We are looking for highly motivated candidates to pursue a PhD in the field of Nature Based Solutions for Coastal Defense (subject: physical and numerical modelling of flow-ecosystem-sediment interaction). The full-time PhD program at Universidad de...
NOTICIAS The predoctoral researcher of Doctorate Program in Coastal Engineering, Hydrobiology and Management of Aquatic Systems (IH2O), Camino Fernández de la Hoz, has won first prize in the #PhDenlaUniversidad de Cantabria competition, organised by the...
The poster entitled “Experimental modelling of scour protection for jacket foundations” developed by IHCantabria with Iberdrola, has been awarded the prize for best poster of the IV edition of the Bilbao Marine Energy Week congress.
NEWS The technical committee of the Bilbao Marine Energy Week congress has awarded the JRL-ORE-Euskampus prize to the best poster of the Congress, to the work entitled "Experimental modelling of scour protection for jacket foundations". This work has been...
IHCantabria begins physical testing of the “Ships 4 Blue” project
NOTICIAS The Ships 4 Blue project "Development of critical technical and economic studies for the analysis of the viability of a new off-shore wind energy generation system by means of a ship propelled by sail and equipped with energy production systems",...
IHCANTABRIA makes a new contribution in the last OpenFOAM release
Due to the agreement between ESI (owner of OpenFOAM® trademark) and IHCantabria, a new set of boundary conditions for dynamic wave generation, developed by the Hydrodynamics and Coastal Infrastructure Group of IHCantabria
IHCantabria will develop the operational system of meteoceanographic support to the marine operations of the Spanish Navy
IHCantabria está trabajando en el desarrollo de un sistema operacional de datos meteoceanográficos que servirá de apoyo a las operaciones marinas de la Armada Española.
IHCantabria develops the atlas of environmental risk in Spanish marinas
NEWS Within the framework of the projects EYEPORT y PREVEMAR , IHCantabria has developed a methodology to obtain an atlas of environmental risks to pollution in marinas. The methodology has been published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin, under the...
The Ministry of Ecological Transition delivered to the Cuban Government the results of a project to analyze the impacts of climate change on the coast.
NEWS The Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, today delivered to the Cuban government the results of a project that has studied the impacts of climate change in the north-western coastal area of the island.The initiative, entitled "Strengthening...
IHCantabria among the twenty-two Spanish water research centres that join forces
NOTICIAS On 23 November, the directors of 22 Spanish water research centres met at the University of Barcelona to exchange information on their research areas and ongoing projects, as well as to detect synergies with a view to setting up a large...