IHCantabria will collaborate with the MICROFAM project, led by the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA, UIB-CSIC).
NOTICIAS Two researchers from the Coastal Ecosystems group of IHCantabria,
CoVID19 – contingency plan
NEWS From today, IHCantabria will start its action protocol against the outbreak of the coronavirus, with the aim of minimizing the health risks of the staff and the people in their work and family environment, to guarantee the adoption of as many preventive...
IHCantabria leads a new paper that concludes mangroves provide billions of dollars in flood risk reduction and climate adaptation benefits every year.
NEWS The natural coastal defenses provided by mangrove forests reduce annual flooding significantly in critical hotspots around the world. Without mangroves, flood damages would increase by more than $65 billion annually, and 15 million more people would be...
Call for a posdoc researcher in freshwater (rivers) ecology, specifically understanding ecosystem functioning and the patterns of alteration created by anthropogenic activities
NEWS We are seeking an enthusiastic candidate with a strong interest in freshwater (rivers) ecology, with a specific understanding of ecosystem functioning and the patterns of alteration created by anthropogenic activities. The candidate will join...
IHCantabria Researcher Leads Special Issue on Numerical Spill Modeling in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
NOTICIAS IHCantabria researcher Ana Julia Abascal of the oceanography, estuaries and water quality group leads the special issue dedicated to numerical modeling of discharges in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.About this special issueMarine...
IHCantabria starts the CARTOMAR project, which will improve the knowledge about the distribution of coastal species in the north of the Iberian region.
NOTICIAS La información cartográfica de los hábitats marinos es imprescindible para poder realizar estudios de biología y ecología sobre una especie o hábitat. Los límites de distribución de las especies suponen el nivel de conocimiento básico para diseño de...
Professor Iñigo Losada elected member of the European Academy of Sciences
NOTICIAS El Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria ha publicado, a través del COIE de la Universidad de Cantabria, una plaza de investigador postdoctoral. Si quieres trabajar con modelos estocásticos para reproducir la estructura...
IHCantabria organizará las jornadas “Eólica Flotante: Retos y Oportunidades en España“
NOTICIAS IHCantabria y el Clúster Cantabria Sea of Innovation, organizarán este próximo 25 y 26 de marzo las jornadas “Eólica Flotante: Retos y Oportunidades en España“, en colaboración con la Consejería de Innovación, Industria, Turismo y Comercio del Gobierno...
IHCantabria comienza el proyecto INVASAT, que utilizará imágenes de satélite para caracterizar la superficie colonizada por vegetación invasora en la región Cantábrica.
NEWS Las especies invasoras son especies que, introducidas por la acción humana fuera de su área de distribución natural, consiguen establecerse en un ecosistema natural o seminatural y dispersarse, poniendo en peligro la biodiversidad local a través de cambios...
NEWS IHCantabria has participated in the Steering Committee Meeting of PORTOS Project, which took place in Vigo (Spain) on the 3rd and 4th of February 2020 at the Port of Vigo. Javier López Lara, Beatriz Rodríguez Fernández and María Fuentes Álvarez de Eulate...
IHCantabria in the 9th international conference on building resilience
NEWS The 9th International Conference on Building Resilience –ICBR09- commences today in Bali, Indonesia, with the participation of the University of Cantabria as partner institution. ICBR09 with the theme “Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate...