IHCantabria in the 9th international conference on building resilience

by | 14 Jan, 2020 | General News, General News | 0 comments

The 9th International Conference on Building Resilience –ICBR09- commences today in Bali, Indonesia, with the participation of the University of Cantabria as partner institution. ICBR09 with the theme “Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation for Building Resilient Cities”, explores resilience as a useful framework of analysis for how society and cities can cope with the threat of natural and human induced hazards.

Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe and María Merino from IHCantabria are part of the International Scientific Committee. Besides, they presented the scientific paper “An evaluation of availability and adequacy of Multi Hazard Early Warning Systems in Asian countries: a baseline study”. This study has been developed under the ERASMUS + project CABARET (Capacity Building in Asia for Resilience EducaTion) that finalizes at the end of January 2020, after three years of fruitful collaboration among 19 partners from 10 European and Asian countries.

Within this event, IHCantabria strengths its commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction to increase coastal resilience and its partnership with Asian universities.

Learn more about this event here

Learn more about CABARET Project here