El Grupo de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Costa de IHCantabria participa en el estudio del enterramiento del cable submarino que dará soporte a Google
NOTICIAS Proporcionar un mayor soporte para la red que acoge los productos empresariales y de consumo de Google es el objetivo de Grace Hopper, un nuevo cable submarino que se extenderá entre EE.UU., Reino Unido y España en cuya implantación participa el Grupo...
The Spanish Gob. presents the lines that will mark the strategy, in whose design IHCantabria collaborates, to protect the coast of the Balearic Islands of climate change
NOTICIAS El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO) avanza en la development of a Coastal Protection Strategy considering the climate change effects for the Balearic Islands is an initiative financed by the Structural Reform...
IHCantabria participates in the FLAGSHIP project: the starting point for future 500 MW floating wind farms
NEWS FLAGSHIP is a new Horizon 2020 project that aims to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for floating offshore wind to the range 40-60 €/MWh by 2030. To validate and demonstrate it, FLAGSHIP project will develop and fabricate the first 10 MW Floating...
IHCantabria has participated in the vICCE (virtual International Conference on Coastal Engineering) held between the 6th and 9th of October 2020
NEWS The Environmental Hydraulic Institute "IHCantabria" has participated in the vICCE conference held in online format between October 6 and 9. This is the first time that this conference, a world reference in the field of coastal engineering, is held in this...
The TRL+ project led by BIMEP and supported by the IHCantabria research institute ends.
NOTICIAS The project has demonstrated an extraordinary potential for internationalization.The main objective of the TRL+ project, a deepwater marine technology accelerator, has been the development, validation and commercialization of a set of innovative and...
IHCantabria as part of The Interreg Atlantic Area funded PORTOS Project is delighted to announce the 2ND CALL FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVICE TESTING
NEWS Technologists within the Atlantic Area are invited to submit applications outlining their novel marine renewable energy technology. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by an independent selection panel. This process is managed by University College...
As part of the Interreg Atlantic Area funded PORTOS Project, novel marine renewable energy technologies will be tested at our facilities
NEWS As part of the Interreg Atlantic Area funded PORTOS Project, novel marine renewable energy technologies will be tested at various test facilities in the Atlantic Area. In March 2020, a call for countries within the Atlantic Area was released whereby...
Call for a pre-doctorate position, to characterize the impacts of natural hazards and of climate change, in order to reduce their impacts through social, economic and technical measures
NEWS If you want to learn to better characterize the impacts of natural hazards and of climate change, in order to reduce their impacts through social, economic and technical measures, come to the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Universidad de...
IHCantabria researcher Alexandra Toimil Silva received the modesto vigueras first prize in the 2020 competition
The Technical Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPyC) has awarded our researcher Íñigo Aniel-Quiroga with the second “Modesto Vigueras 2019 Award”, which rewards young professionals from the port and coastal sectors, for his work “Advances in the resistant design of maritime structures exposed to the action of tsunamis”.
Javier López Lara, Head of Hydrodynamics and Coastal Infrastructures Group at IHCantabria, has been elected as a Leadership Team Member of the Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics (CMH) at the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
NEWS Javier López Lara, associate professor in University of Cantabria and Head of Hydrodynamics and Coastal Infrastructures Group at IHCantabria, has been elected as a Leadership Team Member of the Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics (CMH) at the...
IHCantabria referente de la Economía Azul en el día de los Océanos
NOTICIAS La energía marina está llamada a ser un pilar básico en la economía azul, a través de los parques eólicos marinos, con una capacidad instalada en Europa de 19 GW y tecnología de cimentación fija, una opción imposible en la costa española. Con el...
Extended the deadline for requesting the use, within the framework of the PORTOS project, of our facilities for testing your renewable energy device or technology
NEWS We are pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for the submission of proposals for the testing of renewable energy devices in the framework of the PORTOS project ( Don't miss this opportunity to test your devices for free in our...