Today, March 22nd, we celebrate World Water Day and the 17th anniversary of the creation of IHCantabria

Raúl Medina, managing director of IHCantabria
After 17 years of creation, IHCantabria continues to stand out for its commitment to scientific excellence and for its contribution to the development of practical solutions to challenges related to the integral water cycle, both nationally and internationally
This March 22nd not only marks the commemoration of World Water Day, but also the 17th anniversary of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria).
To promote public awareness of the importance of water and the sustainable management of water resources, on December 22 of 1993, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring March 22 World Water Day.
“It was on March 22 of 2007, coinciding with the commemoration of World Water Day, when IHCantabria was born. Its background and 17 years of experience have made this institute to be recognized as a world reference center in the provision of innovative solutions to challenges related to the integrated management of socio-ecological systems associated with water”. This is explained by Raúl Medina, managing director of IHCantabria.
IHCantabria is a joint research institute that arose from the collaboration between the Universidad de Cantabria (UC) and the Government of Cantabria, through the Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria, from the union of two research groups of the School of Civil Engineering of the Universidad de Cantabria, which have more than 25 years of scientific-technical experience in issues related to inland and coastal water engineering.
This institute is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is reflected in more than 1,500 projects it has developed, since its inception, in more than 70 countries, based on its three main areas or pillars, which are: research, technology transfer and training. To date, the research staff of this institute has published more than 800 scientific articles and has filed 11 patents. Discover the origins and more features of this institute through this link.
Throughout its history, IHCantabria has stood out for its commitment to the protection of water resources, the study of the effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems and the development of advanced technologies for the mitigation of water-related natural disasters. Its contributions have been fundamental, both nationally and internationally, which has made this institution a world reference in the field of environmental hydraulics.
Detailed information on the current status of IHCantabria can be obtained through its 2023 Annual Report of activities, which reports on its achievements and efforts to preserve water resources and to fulfill its mission, which is: “to promote scientific excellence and its transfer, with a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, to drive innovation that contributes to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and the achievement of a just, inclusive, responsible and resilient society”.
This year’s theme for the commemoration of World Water Day is “Water for Peace”. More than 3 billion people around the world depend on water shared between countries, making cooperation necessary to protect this vital resource. In the face of increasing pressures on water resources due to climate change and population growth, the UN considers it essential to “join efforts to ensure equitable and sustainable access to water”.
In this context, IHCantabria continues to promote the conservation and protection of water resources, which it considers essential for life, health, economic development and human well-being. Therefore, “IHCantabria continues to contribute to the search for innovative solutions to problems related to the integrated management of socio-ecological systems associated with water, taking into account that research and collaboration are key tools for building a prosperous and sustainable future,” says Raúl Medina.
For more information about IHCantabria, you can visit the following website:

IHCantabria’s facilities at the Science and Technology Park of Cantabria, in Santander.