The ECCE-IH Training Portal will enhance the visibility of the training models and services offered by IHCantabria.

by | 4 Jul, 2024 | General News, Training | 0 comments

This Portal will serve as a showcase for IHCantabria’s continuing education, specialization and specific training courses, to manage applications for internships, research stays and other services.

The ECCE-IH (Continuing Education/Continuing Education) Training Portal is now fully operational, after its official presentation to the Vice Rectors for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff, for Degrees and Distance Learning, for Research and Science Policy of the University of Cantabria(UC), as well as to the members of the Board of Trustees of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute Foundation of Cantabria (FIHAC); as well as the members of the Board of Trustees of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute Foundation of Cantabria(FIHAC), including the Minister of Industry, Employment, Innovation and Trade of the Government of Cantabria, Eduardo Arasti Barca, and the Rector of the University of Cantabria, Ángel Pazos.

The Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria(IHCantabria) initiated in 2021 the project for the creation of the ECCE-IH Training Portal. Its objective is to serve as a showcase for continuing education courses, specialization, accreditation diplomas, specific training, internships and research stays offered by IHCantabria. It will constitute a node for the registration of students and to facilitate the coordination and communication of this group with the people responsible for the courses and with the team of the Teaching and Training Area of IHCantabria.

The ECCE-IH Portal will also serve to digitally receive applications for internships and stays in this institute, and to enhance the offer of other services, such as the creation of new courses and the management of the use of the Recording Room (for the recording and primary editing of videos, mainly associated with academic and scientific-technical content), as well as its classrooms, among which is the Nilo Room. This is a multipurpose classroom that is intended for the execution of classes, meetings and other events in different modalities (face-to-face, online, hybrid) and has the capacity for autonomous operation, adapted with the latest state-of-the-art audiovisual and digital technology. This room is also available to UC personnel and other entities that request it, for the development of academic and scientific-technical activities.

Cutting-edge education with excellence and social commitment

The first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights states that everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning to successfully manage transitions in the labor market. In response to this challenge, IHCantabria undertook the commitment to adapt to the change in the training paradigm, digital transformation, flexible learning and the development of actions aimed at lifelong learning, in collaboration with companies, administrations and national and international agencies. To take up this challenge, IHCantabria proposed the development of a specialized and multidisciplinary training strategy, within the framework of which the ECCE-IH Training Portal was created.

Currently, IHCantabria offers a variety of educational programs that are aimed at different professional profiles, at postgraduate and continuing education level, through specialized and multidisciplinary training courses, adapted to the environmental, social and digital transition model. It also offers specific training courses, tailor-made at the request of companies, administrations and national and international agencies. Most of its courses address topics that seek to promote the development of practical and sustainable solutions to the challenges related to the integral water cycle, both nationally and internationally.

Therefore, the ECCE-IH Training Portal will allow to expand the collaboration of this institute with research groups, institutions and agencies ─to which it offers advice, technical support and teaching innovation projects─, which will contribute to enhance the visibility and international recognition of IHCantabria, as an epicenter of scientific knowledge and technology transfer.

More information about the ECCE-IH Training Portal, through the following web page: