Medal of Honor of the College of Civil Engineers for IHCantabria’s Director of Research, Iñigo Losada

by | 24 May, 2024 | General News, Merits | 0 comments

Iñigo Losada, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the Universidad de Cantabria and Director of Research at IHCantabria

Recognition is given to collegiate personnel who have stood out in a relevant way, who have performed professional actions of unquestionable merit or have rendered outstanding services to the profession


The Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (CICCP, for its acronym in Spanish) will award a Medal of Honor to Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Cantabria (UC) and Director of Research at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria), Íñigo Losada Rodríguez, in recognition of his career and the merit of his professional actions and services.

The CICCP Medals of Honor and Collegiate Merit are annual distinctions of professional recognition to collegiate staff “who have excelled in a relevant way, performed professional actions of unquestionable merit or who have provided outstanding services to the profession”.

The award ceremony will be held on June 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the Agustín de Betancourt Auditorium of the CICCP in Madrid. The event can also be followed online. Those interested in participating must register on the website

Along with Iñigo Losada Rodriguez, will also receive the Medals of Honor of the CICCP other collegiate as: Luis Moral Ordóñez, José Antonio Fayas Janer, Juan Manuel Aragonés Beltrán, María Luisa Domínguez González and Joaquín Salanueva Etayo.

In addition to this distinction, Íñigo Losada has recently been awarded another recognition by the Professional Union of Cantabria, an association that represents the Professional Associations of the community and that, on June 12, will present him with the 2024 Award for Professional Excellence. This is an award that recognizes his professional career and highlights “the important contribution to sustainable development and protection of the marine environment, as well as his commitment to innovation and cutting-edge research”.

Career of Iñigo Losada

Íñigo Losada is a professional recognized nationally and internationally as a reference in the field of coastal engineering and maritime sustainability. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria and the University of Delaware (USA), where he worked in coastal oceanography, mainly in the understanding and modeling of coastal dynamics and its interaction with natural and artificial structures.

His professional activity is developed in the international field, although he maintains an important link in Cantabria, as a professor at the University of Cantabria and as Research Director of IHCantabria, institution of which he was founding director (2007-2011), after co-promoting its creation, and where he is also the Scientific Director of the Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin (CCOB) a scientific-technical facility that houses this institute.

He is principal investigator (PI) or has collaborated in more than 80 technology transfer projects, leading the development of methods, databases and tools that are currently used worldwide for coastal protection. With more than 200 publications, he has published more than 130 papers in top journals, including Nature Climate Change and Nature Communications.

He is editor-in-chief of Coastal Engineeringwhich ranks first in this field, and FRONTIERS in Ocean Engineering, Technology and Solutions for the Blue Economy; in addition to being a member of the Editorial Board of several other journals and a member of the Technical Scientific Committee (CST) of the State Research Agency (AEI).

In 2023, Iñigo Losada was awarded with the Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Research Award, granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, in recognition of his international leadership in Ocean Engineering and of his pioneering contributions in the development of tools that are laying the foundations for a sustainable use of ocean resources and coastal areas.