IHCantabria’s Erasmus+ TRASMARES Project receives favorable report that enhances the scope of its second edition

by | 15 Jun, 2023 | cambio climático, General News | 0 comments

After reviewing the positive results and achievements of its first edition -held from September to December 2022-, the Erasmus+ TRASMARES Project has just received a favorable report from the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE).

Achieving a score of 89 out of 100 in the SEPIE’s final report, and a very positive evaluation by the students who attended the first edition, this training program allows students to deepen their knowledge on the sustainability of marine ecosystems to understand their functions, benefits and main threats.

Its objective is to provide world-class knowledge on new methodologies, procedures and tools for the conservation and sustainable management of marine and coastal ecosystems in the context of climate change.

Its scientific strength is supported by the collaboration of three European institutions of higher education: the University of Cantabria (Spain), the Università di Bologna (Italy) and the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), together with the company Telefónica Educación Digital (TED).

The Erasmus+ TRASMARES project is developed through a training itinerary that is taught in the online modality, through the MiríadaX platform, in the format of four Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).

Following the first edition, which trained more than 1,000 students, the second edition of this training program will be available from September to December 2023. The call is again aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, professionals with an environmental profile, government technicians and all those who wish to learn and acquire specific skills on the use of new methodologies for sustainable management in a context of climate change.

The acronym TRASMARES stands for “Specialized TRaining on Applied Tools for Sustainable MARine EcosystemS”.

At the University of Cantabria, the coordinator of this program is José Antonio Juanes, Director of Teaching and Training at IHCantabria and Professor of the Department of Water and Environmental Sciences and Techniques.

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