IHCantabria will develop the operational system of meteoceanographic support to the marine operations of the Spanish Navy

IHCantabria is working on the development of an operational system of meteoceanographic data that will support the marine operations of the Spanish Navy. It will shape a tool that allows decisions to be made in any kind of maritime manoeuvre, increasing the safety of both vessels and personnel or equipment.
The programme is one of those selected within the Coincident Project 2018 of the Directorate General of Armament and Material (DGAM). Under the acronym Siaametoc-Om (Integrated system of automatic meteo-oceanographic support for maritime operations), the IHM together with the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the Universidad de Cantabria will collaborate during the next two years in the promotion of this initiative and its practical application to the Spanish Navy.
Going into detail, the purpose is “the identification, analysis and exploitation of meteo-oceanographic data currently available worldwide, and its automatic adaptation and interpretation to support maritime missions and operations of the Ministry of Defence, in a reliable, efficient and realistic way”. The tool will have a single user interface that will take advantage of pre-existing databases and will allow meteo-oceanographic officers and naval beach groups (GNP) to make quick decisions in support missions.
It will also be able to safely plan disembarkation manoeuvres on any beach in the world and manage stranding and navigation from the amphibious ship to the coastal area.
It will also be completed with a history of the maritime climate and dynamic functioning of any maritime or coastal area of interest.
The starting point of this project has been the Operational System for Amphibious Operations (Soproa) which has already been tested by the Navy in exercises and maneuvers.