IHCantabria received professionals participating in the XX Iberoamerican Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management

Group of professionals participating in the “XX Ibero-American Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management”, with the hosts Antonio Tomás Sampedro (located in the back row, first on the left) and Gabriel Díaz Hernández (located in the same row, fourth from the right).
The group of professionals who visited IHCantabria come from
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay, all OAS member countries.
The Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria(IHCantabria) had the opportunity to receive in its facilities the visit of the group of professionals participating in the “XX Ibero-American Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management”, on February 20.
The professor of the University of Cantabria and expert in port technologies, Gabriel Díaz Hernández, and Dr. Antonio Tomás Sampedro, head of the Ports and Coastal Infrastructures Group of IHCantabria, hosted the group of 20 professionals participating in the course, who have extensive experience in environmental management, port engineering and port operations. The professionals who visited IHCantabria came from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, countries that are members of the Organization of American States (OAS).
During this visit, the hosts were able to show the group of guests the facilities of IHCantabria, shared the history of this institute, its work philosophy, its most outstanding achievements and its most relevant science and technology transfer projects.
They also guided the visit to the Hydraulics, Coastal and Offshore Laboratory, where the guests were able to observe and consult on the facilities of the Great Tank of Maritime Engineering of Cantabria (Coastal and Ocean Basin, GTIM-CCOB), which are part of MARHIS (Maritime Aggregated Research Hydraulic Infrastructures), a Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) distributed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain, which is unique in the field of hydraulic engineering.
The “XX Ibero-American Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management” is organized by the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports(CIP) of the OAS and Puertos del Estado of Spain. It was created in 2000, with the purpose of acting as a platform for knowledge transfer between the Latin American and Spanish port systems. For more than two decades, this course has provided specialized port training to the Ibero-American port-logistics community.
Therefore, IHCantabria is proud to have been able to participate in this initiative, hand in hand with the Port of Santander, and to have the opportunity to extend its experience, knowledge and technological influence with similar institutions in Latin America.
IHCantabria is a mixed research institute, fruit of the collaboration between the University of Cantabria and the Government of Cantabria represented through the Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria (FIHAC). Created on March 22, 2007 (World Water Day) with the union of two research groups of the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Cantabria, which had been carrying out an intense scientific-technical activity on issues related to inland and coastal water engineering.
More information on this the characteristics of the XX Ibero-American Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management, through the following link: https://portalcip.org/curso-iberoamericano-sobre-tecnologia-operaciones-y-gestion-ambiental/?lang=es