IHCantabria contributed to workshops focused on developing inundation maps and evacuation plans for possible tsunamis, in Oman

by | 14 May, 2024 | Coastal Management and Engineering, International cooperation, Projects | 0 comments

Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe, researcher of IHCantabria (who is located in the center of this photo), participated in the Team of Tsunami Evacuation Planning Trainers as a training facilitator and resource person at the North-West Indian Ocean (NWIO) Regional Workshops, held in Muscat, Oman

It was a great
opportunity to exchange practices and knowledge between the UNESCO-IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the North-East Atlantic, Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG NEAMTWS), in which IHCantabria plays a significant role, and the ICG/IOTWMS



As part of the commitment of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria) to disaster risk management, its researcher Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe participated as a training facilitator and resource person in the Team of Tsunami Evacuation Planning Trainers, at the North-West Indian Ocean (NWIO) Regional Workshops on Tsunami Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Evacuation Planning.

The two workshops took place in Muscat, Oman, from April 21-25, 2024, and were held within the framework of the UNESCAP TTF Project, which focuses on “Strengthening Tsunami Warning in the North-West Indian Ocean Through Regional Cooperation – Phase 2c”. These workshops kicked-off the joint working processes between and within the five partner Member States and the project team to develop inundation maps and evacuation plans for Pilot Areas of each Member State.

One of the main objectives of these workshops was “to develop a solid foundation to help achieve the goals of the UN Decade of Oceans Tsunami Program to make the majority of communities at risk tsunami prepared and resilient by 2030,” explains Ignacio Aguirre, based on information provided by the organizers of these workshops. Other objectives were to provide information on the project in which the two workshops were framed, foster regional and national collaboration, facilitate discussion and knowledge sharing, review existing flood maps, conduct site visits, and train in evacuation planning. Agreements were also reached on future activities and on the next steps to be taken in the development of the aforementioned project.

This event was a great opportunity to exchange practices and knowledge between the UNESCO-IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the North-East Atlantic, Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG NEAMTWS) -a group in which IHCantabria plays an significant role- and the ICG/IOTWMS.

In this context, and in coherence with IHCantabria’s commitment to disaster risk management, the researcher Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe participated in the Team of Tsunami Evacuation Planning Trainers, as a training facilitator and resource person, to support the Oman team in the development of various tasks proposed in the two workshops. Some of the tasks Aguirre supported included the review of inundation maps and the identification of evacuation zones, the definition of strategies and the identification of evacuation routes, the discussion of consultation methods and the approval of evacuation plans for possible tsunamis, among others.

These two workshops were organized by the UNESCO-IOC Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Center (IOTIC), the UNESCO-IOC Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation (ICG/IOTWMS) and the UNESCAP TTF project team. They were also supported by the UNESCO-IOC Tsunami National Contacts (TNCs) of the five countries participating in the event: India, Iran, Oman, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

More information on these two workshops can be found through the following links:

Group of participants of the North-West Indian Ocean (NWIO) Regional Workshops on Tsunami Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Evacuation Planning, held in Muscat, Oman on 21-25 April 2024. These workshops were framed within the UNESCAP TTF Project: “Strengthening Tsunami Warning in the North-West Indian Ocean through Regional Cooperation – Phase 2c”. In this photo, Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe is located in the second row (third from the right).