CoVID19 – contingency plan

by | 16 Mar, 2020 | General News, General News | 0 comments

From today, IHCantabria will start its action protocol against the outbreak of the coronavirus, with the aim of minimizing the health risks of the staff and the people in their work and family environment, to guarantee the adoption of as many preventive measures as necessary for the safety of all its staff and to ensure the activity continuity.

In addition to a general prevention measures, other specific measures have been defined, including the suspension of face-to-face meetings both inside and outside the work centre, promoting video-conferencing and other alternative communication methods, and suspending attendance at events, working days and business trips.

As a particularly relevant measure and after the declaration last Saturday of the state of alarm in our country, as well as the approval yesterday in the Council of Government of Cantabria of the decree of essential services, which promotes the implementation of telework formulas, IHCantabria has activated the necessary mechanisms to continue carrying out its activity, and therefore, all its personnel, from today and while this situation lasts, will carry out their work remotely from their homes.

Likewise, in application of the resolutions issued by our regional government, from today onwards, access to the IHCantabria’s headquarters in the PCTCAN has also been suspended.

This exceptional situation will not stop us from continuing to provide our services, even if we are not in person in our offices and therefore we inform you that we will continue to attend you by telephone during our usual hours of 8:00 to 15:00 on the telephone number 942201616 and at the e-mail address (or at the e-mail address of the person you wish to contact, if you know it).

These measures will be adjusted to the evolution of the circumstances that have motivated us to implement them.

Thank you for your understanding, stay safe, see you back.