Best wishes from IHCantabria for Christmas and New Year!

On these special dates, from the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria) we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the people who have been part of our journey during this year. Thanks to our team, collaborators, partners and all the entities that trust us, we have advanced in our mission to provide scientific knowledge for the sustainability of socio-ecological systems associated with the integral water cycle, inside and outside Spain.
This Christmas, we celebrate what we have achieved and renew our commitment to a more just, inclusive and sustainable future. We hope that 2025 will bring new challenges, opportunities and, above all, collaboration, to continue building innovative solutions that transform lives and protect our planet.
We extend our best wishes to the people and entities with whom we have not yet had the opportunity to collaborate, with the wish that next year we can meet and work together; because, in 2025, we will continue to contribute to the search for innovative solutions to solve the problems related to the management of coasts and socio-ecological systems associated with the integral water cycle.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!