Iñigo Losada receives the highest recognition from the American Society of Civil Engineers

by | 9 Sep, 2024 | Climate Risks, Adaptation and Resilience, General News, Merits | 0 comments

Iñigo Losada, receiving the International Coastal Engineering Award from Patrick Lynett, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Photo credit: courtesy of Javier L. Lara

The International Coastal Engineering Award is the highest global recognition in the field of coastal engineering awarded by the American Society of Civil Engineers


Iñigo Losada, Research Director of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria (IHCantabria) and Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Cantabria (UC), received today the International Coastal Engineering Award, by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This award was presented this morning in Rome, Italy, during the opening session of the 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024).

ASCE is an international organization with more than 160,000 members from 177 countries. The award received today by Iñigo Losada is the highest worldwide recognition in the specialty of coastal engineering. The ASCE Executive Committee considered that Losada deserved this award “for his internationally outstanding contributions in research, education and its practical applications”.

Upon receiving this award, Losada thanked the members of the ASCE Executive Committee for this recognition and highlighted the great honor that this award means to him and “being part of this group of award winners”, among which are some of the researchers and engineers who have most influenced his career and authors of books with which he started in this discipline.

The International Coastal Engineering Award is presented by ASCE annually, since 1977, to recognize the work of engineers and researchers who have made a significant and sustained contribution to the field of coastal engineering, whether in the areas of design, education, professional leadership, construction, research, innovation, or a combination of the above.

This award was presented today to Íñigo Losada at the opening session of ICCE 2024. Within this event, which is scheduled from September 8th to 14th, Losada will give a plenary lecture on “Coastal adaptation and resilience: The greatest challenge of coastal engineering”, in front of more than 1000 attendees, including researchers from IHCantabria.

An award-winning track record at national and international level 

Iñigo Losada is a national and international reference in the field of coastal engineering and maritime sustainability. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the Universidad de Cantabria and the University of Delaware (USA). He was founding director of IHCantabria, between 2007 and 2011, where he currently heads the Research Area and is scientific director of the Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin (CCOB). He is a full member of the Royal Academy of Engineering and is also part of several national and international professional networks and organizations.

His research interests address a wide range of topics, including coastal processes, wave-structure interaction modeling, nature-based solutions, ocean energy, coastal hazards and climate change adaptation.

He has received some of the most prestigious recognitions in his profession, such as the M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award, granted by the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).

Other recognitions include the Rei Jaume I Prize for Environmental Protection in 2018, awarded by the Rei Jaume I Awards Foundation, the Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Research Prize, granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2022, and the “Lucas Mallada” National Environment Prize, awarded the same year by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO, by its acronym in Spanish).

In 2017, ASCE awarded Iñigo Losada the John G. Moffatt–Frank E. Nichol Harbor and Coastal Engineering Award; this was the first time this award was given to an engineer who carries out his professional activity outside the United States.

Intervention by Patrick Lynett, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), during the opening session of ICCE 2024, held today in Rome, Italy. He stated that the ASCE Executive Committee deemed Iñigo Losada worthy of the International Coastal Engineering Award “for his internationally outstanding contributions in research, education, and their practical applications.” Photo credit: courtesy of Javier L. Lara
Patrick Lynett, President of ASCE, presenting the International Coastal Engineering Award to Iñigo Losada. Photo credit: courtesy of Javier L. Lara
IHCantabria researchers alongside Iñigo Losada (fifth from the left), who holds the award he received today from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Photo credit: courtesy of Javier L. Lara