Íñigo Losada received yesterday the Professional Excellence Award from Unión Profesional Cantabria

by | 13 Jun, 2024 | General News, Merits | 0 comments

Intervention of the Research Director of IHCantabria and UC professor, Íñigo Losada, before receiving the Professional Excellence Award from Unión Profesional Cantabria.

Íñigo Losada is considered an international reference in the field of coastal engineering and maritime sustainability


Íñigo Losada, Professor at the University of Cantabria (UC) and Research Director of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria(IHCantabria), received yesterday the “Professional Excellence Award” granted by Unión Profesional Cantabria, an association that brings together various professional associations in the region, with the aim of promoting excellence and professional development in Cantabria.

The award ceremony was held last night at the emblematic Palacio de la Magdalena. Íñigo Losada was accompanied by his wife and daughter, representatives of IHCantabria ─Raúl Medina, Managing Director; José Juanes de la Peña, Director of Education and Capacity Building; Francisco Royano, Director of Technology Transfer and research staff of this institute─; in addition to prominent personalities from academia, business and government, representatives of various business and social organizations, and members of the Professional Associations integrated in Unión Profesional Cantabria.

During this ceremony, Victoria Ortega, National President of Unión Profesional; Gema Igual, Mayoress of Santander; Isabel Urrutia, Minister of Presidency, Justice, Security and Administrative Simplification of the Government of Cantabria; Andrés de Diego Martínez, President of Unión Profesional de Cantabria, and Íñigo Losada, who expressed his gratitude for the award of this distinction.

“Today we present the Professional Excellence Award, in its second edition, to one of our own: Íñigo Losada. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria and the University of Delaware (United States), which responds exactly to the name of this award, professional excellence,” said Andrés de Diego Martínez, president of Unión Profesional de Cantabria.

Íñigo Losada expressed his gratitude for the award. “This is a very special award for me ─affirmed Losada─ because it comes from people who know me well, from a collective that represents very diverse, very disparate disciplines; disciplines ranging from law to engineering, economics, medicine. That is very important, because it is something that we (at IHCantabria) have always sought: to try to integrate knowledge, to try to integrate disciplines. So the fact that the award came from this entity was very special for me.

Councilor Isabel Urrutia also highlighted the fact that this award was the result of a decision adopted by the colleagues themselves. “It is you, the members of the various colleges that are part of Unión Profesional Cantabria who propose one of your own. It is you who choose those people who best represent you, for their human and professional quality. Hence the relevance and prestige of this award. I would like to congratulate you on your choice, because I believe that Íñigo Losada is one of the best people you could have chosen today in Cantabria”, said the Councilor Isabel Urrutia.

“Íñigo has taken Cantabria to the world, but he has also brought things from the world to Cantabria ─commented the National President of ‘Unión Profesional’, Victoria Ortega─ He has helped us understand why climate change has a direct impact on sea level rise and how this influences several problems that affect us […]. Therefore, this Cantabrian land would not be understood without Íñigo Losada”.

The mayor of Santander, Gema Igual, highlighted the professional career, closeness and availability that Íñigo Losada has shown every time he has been asked for advice or support to report on issues related to his field of research. She also referred to the relevance of the work carried out by Íñigo Losada and the entire IHCantabria team. “Nobody can imagine Cantabria without this institute, without its prestige. It is the first European entity in number of appointments in ocean and marine engineering. And, in all this activity, our protagonist today, Íñigo Losada, has had and still has a clear intervention and participation”, concluded the Minister of Presidency, Justice, Security and Administrative Simplification of the Government of Cantabria, Isabel Urrutia.

From left to right: Andrés de Diego, president of Unión Profesional Cantabria; Íñigo Losada (with the ‘Professional Excellence Award’ in his hands) and Ezequiel San Emeterio, former dean of the Demarcation of Cantabria of the Association of Civil Engineers. Behind, Isabel Urrutia, Minister of Presidency, Justice, Security and Administrative Simplification of the Government of Cantabria; Gema Igual, Mayor of Santander; and Victoria Ortega, National President of Unión Profesional

From left to right, authorities and IHCantabria research staff attending the event: Francisco Royano, Javier L. Lara, Jara Martínez, César Vidal, Luisa Pérez, Raúl Medina, Íñigo Losada, Raúl Guanche, José A. Juanes and Manuel del Jesus