Environmental Decision Support Systems (EDSS)
The real world presents complex interactions between different systems: social, economic, physical, ecological, etc. Environmental information systems and environmental decision support systems (EDSS) use the enormous amount of data and the many methods available to provide a closer representation of the real world.
In this sense, the IH-IT Lab focuses on all the aspects related with the aquatic environment, under a user-centered-design and a user-driven development, to translate data into valuable knowledge. The IH-IT Lab has specialised in the design, development and implementation of geospatial solutions applied to hydrobiology and environmental management, climate, energy and offshore infrastructures and hydraulic engineering and coastal management.
The information systems and EDSS created have been designed with a solid scientific and technical background to inform decisions in different businesses and societal sectors, overcoming the gaps between scientific experts and end users. A relevant number of systems have been designed, developed and implemented: environmental management information systems (water quality, oil spill, hazardous and noxious substances), early warning systems (tsunami, river flood, storm surge), maritime spatial planning systems (marine renewable energies, aquaculture, nautical sports, navigation assistance)

Environmental observation management systems

Marine spatial planning systems

Meteoceanographic risks operational systems

Tsunamis warning systems

Decision support systems for anthropic discharges

Meteoceanographic operational systems
Copernicus is the largest monitoring program on the Planet that has ever existed. IHCantabria is part of the Copernicus Network as a Copernicus Academy member since 2017, helping to spread the Copernicus Program across and outside the EU. The Services of the Copernicus Program (Marine, Land, Atmospheric, Climate, Emergencies and Security) represent an inexhaustible source of information for the generation of Decision Support Systems (DSS). IHCantabria has designed and developed several “downstream services” applied to different sectors:
- Oil & gas: ATHENEA
- Marine renewable energies: TRL Plus
- Aquaculture: MSP
- Tourism: Eyeport Metocean

Marine Spatial Planning
The Marine Spatial Platform is a System that integrates technical and scientific knowledge from IHCantabria researchers in support of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and associated SDGs.
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Athenea is an integral system designed for use by any marine installation and which, according to the location and specific cause of the incident, is used to predict the trajectory and to minimise the consequences of a spill.
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MHRAS is a framework for the assessment of risks for multiple coastal hazards along the coast of Oman. The risk assessment comprises two hazards, tsunamis and tropical cyclones, and two scales of work, national and local.
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The water quality management information system (WAMIS) is a technological framework that has been designed for the implementation of information management systems and environmental decision support systems for salt and fresh waters.
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Decision Support System for marine renewable testing devices
TRL PLUS is the overall solution to test marine energy technology in deep waters, supporting offshore system developers in the pathway from a concept to the market.
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IHCantabria has created the IH tsunami simulation system (IHTSUSY), a real-time tsunami simulation system that provides fundamental data on tsunami propagation worldwide, such as the time of arrival at each point on the coast or an estimate of its flood potential.
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