
R+D+i to make our ports safer

The “Algeciras SafePort: Management of Ocean-Meteorological Risks in Port Environments” project has as its main objective to make a quantitative leap in the spatial resolution of the measurement and modeling of meteorological ocean variables by using high-resolution numerical models both to obtain historical series and to create an operational system.

“Innovating for environmentally sound, safe and efficient technologies”

Sponsored by the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras, the project provides historical, real-time and predictive information in the Areas of Operational Interest (AOIs) of the Bay of Algeciras and Tarifa. It is also developing new IT tools that add value to this information and provide support in the design and operation of ports.

This project is part of a new methodology that seeks an international SafePort certification against physical environmental agents. This work methodology incorporates risk management within port operations and the development of real-time decision-making tools. SafePort certification is thus based on high quality meteoceanographic data specific to each type of port operation. The optimal state of development sought in ports with adverse environmental conditions reduces the uncertainties in their operation, which translates into safer, more effective and sustainable management of the ports. This, in turn, has a great impact on the economy of the port.

Foremost among the IT tools developed for the project is the Environmental Balanced Scorecard (ESC). It is a web application ( designed for port users that, in addition to providing real-time data and predictions, combines the remaining tools to aid in port design and operation.

The application also allows customizing operational reports and alerts, making them accessible to the port community:

  • The Historical Atlas of Maritime Climate of Wind and Waves.
  • The Prediction of the Operational Risk customized for each AOI.
  • The Wave Overtopping Alert System at the Port of Tarifa.

These systems and tools are relocatable and applicable anywhere in the world.

Participating Entities