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Moisés is a postdoctoral researcher in the Adaptation, Resilience and Climate Risk group.

He obtained a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria, having enjoyed an exchange year at Princeton University (NJ, USA). He graduated in 2016 receiving the Extraordinary Prize of his class. Thanks to a double degree agreement with the University of Cantabria, he continued his training at “l’École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées” (Paris, France), where he obtained the degrees of “Ingénieur des Ponts” and Master in Civil Engineering in 2019. His formal training ended in 2022, after obtaining his PhD in Coastal Engineering from the University of Cantabria funded by an FPI grant. During his pre-doctoral stage, he focused on shoreline modelling, developing predictive tools that combine the physics of processes with observations. His work was rewarded by the Modesto Vigueras Prize awarded by the Technical Association of Harbour and Coastal Engineers.

He is currently working on improving the characterisation of coastal impacts derived from climate change. To do so, he combines numerical modelling, artificial intelligence techniques and observation assimilation algorithms.


Modelling coastal impacts, erosion and flooding.
Assimilation of observations and artificial intelligence.