Cristina Casal Escaloni

Cristina Casal Escaloni

CRISTINA CASAL Technologist +34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56313 Biography Civil Engineer from the University of A Coruña (2012) and Master in Coastal and Port Engineering from the University of Cantabria (2014). Before focusing her career on offshore...
Important progress in IHCantabria and BiMEP’s MAR+ project: driving innovation in marine renewable energy

Important progress in IHCantabria and BiMEP’s MAR+ project: driving innovation in marine renewable energy

NOTICIAS Important progress in IHCantabria and BiMEP’s MAR+ project: driving innovation in marine renewable energy Team that participated in the technical meeting. In order from left to right they are (above): Raul Guanche, Antonio Tomas, Stefano Susini, Adrian...

Human Resources

Human Resources Has buscado por Marco Antonio Vega Marichalar An institution like IHCantabria only exists thanks to the men and women who work day in and day out toward its constant advancement. It is that confidence and that constant work which allow the institute to...
Ocean energy and offshore engineering

Ocean energy and offshore engineering

Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering Group Has buscado por Cristina Casal Over the past 10 years, IHCantabria has made a significant research effort in the field of offshore engineering and marine energies. Not surprisingly, thanks to its commitment to...