Andre Chagas da Costa Neves

Andre Chagas da Costa Neves

ANDRE CHAGAS DA COSTA NEVES Predoctoral researcher +34 942 20 16 16 Biography Andre holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Brazil and has completed the Erasmus Mundus International Masters of...

Human Resources

Human Resources Has buscado por Alejandro González Valle An institution like IHCantabria only exists thanks to the men and women who work day in and day out toward its constant advancement. It is that confidence and that constant work which allow the institute to...

PhD. Theses

PhD. THESES READED THESES AND ON DEVELOPMENT These theses are available on the UCrea server DoctorandoLíneaI+D+iFecha InicioFecha DefensaTítuloDirectorCo-directorPublicaciones Rodríguez Basalo, Augusto ORCiDHidrobiología y Gestión ambiental7/02/202023/11/2023Estudio...
Coastal ecosystems

Coastal ecosystems

COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS Has buscado por Chagas COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS Has buscado por Chagas The study of estuary and coastal ecosystems has been, since its inception, one of the research priorities of IHCantabria, a concern that is channeled through the coastal ecosystems...