Sheila Abad Herrero

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56135



Graduated in Geography from the University of Cantabria, she began her professional career in 2008 as part of the GIS Team at the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria), a precursor team to the current Information Technology Laboratory of IHCantabria.

Initially, her tasks focused on providing support and assistance to researchers in the proper use of Geographic Information Systems. Through participation in numerous national and international projects she specialized in spatial analysis, implementing and automating geoprocesses for the evaluation of impacts and exposure in coastal environments and other studies applied to the integral water cycle. In addition to her work as a GIS Analyst, she is responsible for spatial data management in internal/collaborative projects and GIS Training Specialist for clients.

Her skills include: experience with ArcGIS, QGIS, GeoServer and Python programming (ArcPy). This experience has allowed him to effectively apply GIS spatial analysis in a variety of contexts.

Specialization topics

ArcGIS desktop /  ArcGIS Pro/ ArcPy.

QGIS desktop.



Beck, Michael William; Pelayo Menéndez; Siddharth Narayan; Saul Torres-Ortega; Sheila Abad; Losada Rodriguez,Inigo Javier. (2022). The Changing Wealth of Nations 2021 : Building Coastal Resilience With Mangroves – The Contribution of Natural Flood Defenses to the Changing Wealth of Nations (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. Document.

Ortega, Saul Torres; Losada, Inigo J.; Espejo, Antonio; Abad, Sheila; Narayan, Siddharth; Beck, Michael W.. 2019. The Flood Protection Benefits and Restoration Costs for Mangroves in Jamaica. Forces of Nature;. © World Bank, Washington, Publication.

Losada, I.J., Menéndez, P., Espejo, A., Torres, S., Díaz-Simal, P., Abad, S., Beck, M.W., Narayan, S., Trespalacios, D., Pfiegner, K., Mucke, P. and Kirch, L. (2018). The Global Value of Mangroves for Risk Reduction. Berlin: The Nature Conservancy. doi: 10.7291/V9DV1H2S. Technical Report.

Losada, I.J., M. Beck, P. Menéndez, A. Espejo, S. Torres, P. Díaz-Simal, F. Fernández, S. Abad, N. Ripoll, J. García, S. Narayan, D. Trespalacios. 2017. Valuation of the Coastal Protection Services of Mangroves in the Philippines. World Bank, Washington, DC. Technical Report