Predoctoral researcher

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56321



Oceanographic Engineer graduated in 2018 from the University of Antioquia (Colombia), with a Diploma in Port Logistics (2016) from the Entremar Institute (Colombia) and a Master in Coasts and Ports (2020) from the Universidad de Cantabria.

He is currently a pre-doctoral researcher in the Coastal Engineering and Management group at IHCantabria, where he has participated in numerous national and international projects on topics related to coastal engineering, ocean numerical modelling and tsunami hazard assessment in areas prone to this natural disaster in coastal regions. His doctoral thesis is focused on the study of the Tsunami-Port interaction where he wants to evaluate the risk of these waves with the works, ships, dockyards and yards.

Research lines

Numerical ocean modeling
Tsunami risk assessment