Sara Morán Camacho
Sara Morán Camacho has a degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Cadiz. She has completed a Master’s Degree in Research and Management of Protected Areas taught jointly by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide and the University of Panama. She obtained her degree with the defense of the dissertation “Monitoring of the population density of indicator species in the Marine Protected Area of “El Cachucho”.
During her academic training she spent several stays at the Smithsonian Research Center (Panama City), the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (Santander), the National Museum of Antarctica (Genoa), ADS Biodiversity (Gran Canaria) and the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (Mallorca).
Currently, she is a student of the PhD program in Coastal Engineering, Hydrobiology and Management of Aquatic Systems, developing her activity as a predoctoral researcher in the Coastal Ecosystems Group of IHCantabria.
Climate change mitigation.
Deciphering the effect of invasive species(Baccharis halimiforia, Spartina alterniflora) on the role of estuarine marshes in climate change mitigation.

Recruitment carried out under the PID2022-140237OB-I00 project funded by MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER, EU.