Omar Quetzalcóatl Gutiérrez


+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56318


PhD in Coastal Engineering and MSc in Physical Oceanography and currently researcher of the Coastal Engineering and Management group at IHCantabria.

His main field of research covers Coastal Flooding, numerical modeling, the use of digital images on the coast and the development of numerical tools for Coastal Engineering.

He has participated in several projects regarding these topics, in particular the Assessment, STrategy And Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe (ASTARTE), and Investigación para la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos para la mejora del Sistema de Modelado Costero (SMC2020).

In terms of publications, he has been author or co-author in 12 publications; some of the most remarkable are On the feasibility of the use of wind SAR to downscale waves on shallow water (Gutiérrez et al., 2016), and SMC, a coastal modeling system for assessing beach processes and coastal interventions: Application to the Brazilian coast (Quetzalcóatl et al., 2018).

Regarding membership, he is actively involved in the following networks “Ingeniería Aplicada al Diagnóstico de Riesgos hidrometeorológicos, Fluviales y Costero” and “Red Internacional de Costas y Mares”.

Finally, he has been awarded with the first place of the 9th digital awards of Cantabria for a real time tsunami simulation system (IHTsusy) android app.


Coastal Flooding

Use of digital images on the coast

Development of numerical tools for Coastal Engineering.