Mauricio González Rodríguez

Head of Coastal Management and Engineering Group

Main Researcher

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56303



Mauricio González is a full professor at the Universidad de Cantabria Spain and Head of the Coastal Engineering Group at the Environmental Hydraulic Institute of the Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria). Prof. González is a Civil Engineer and Master in Hydraulic Resources at the University of the Andes (Bogotá-Colombia) and, Master and Ph.D. in Coastal Engineering at the University of Cantabria (Spain). He has been lecturing courses in coastal engineering for the last 25 years and he has been invited professor at Cornell University (USA) and Kyoto University (Japan). He has co-authored over 100 publications in scientific journals (SCI) and over 200 proceedings in indexed international conferences. His scientific activity is mainly related to beach morphodynamics; numerical modeling of coastal processes; coastal flooding; coastal hazards and tsunami Risk assessment. Dr. González has been the main researcher in more than 150 projects in the last 15 years funded by the European Union, Spanish Science System, and international institutions (WB, IDB, UNESCO,..). He has extensive experience in working on coastal engineering problems and management worldwide, including the Middle East Region, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa.


He has developed projects related with coastal engineering and Integrated Coastal zone management (ICZM), study of coastal erosion problems, tsunami impact assessment and Projects of coastal risk assessment among others (e.g. Supply, training, installation and commissioning assessment of coastal hazards, vulnerability and risk for the coast of Oman; Integrated Coastal Zone Management plan of Qatar; Country Disaster Risk Profile for Bahamas (IDB-BID) ).

He also has more than 30 years’ experience in education and training of practitioners and researchers through tailor-made workshops and courses, and programs of the Universidad de Cantabria such as: or the Civil Engineering Program, the Coastal and Harbor Master Program and the PhD Program in Coastal Engineering, Hidrobiology & Management of Aquatic Systems at Universidad de Cantabria (IH20). He has been Visiting Professor at the Cornell University (USA), University of Virginia (USA) and University of Kyoto (Japan).

Prof. González is member of the Spanish National Committee to establish a Tsunami Warning System (TWS), tsunami scientific adviser for the European Commission DG-RTD. Co-Chairman of the Working Group 1: Sessional Working Group 1 – Hazard Assessment, Risk and Modelling, Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (UNESCO- ICG/NEAMTWS). Prof. González is reviewer of Spanish ANEP research projects. Editorial Board Member on Sea, Ocean and Coastal Hazards for the Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) Journal.For his research activity, he has received the National Prize for the Environment, the most prestigious given by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment.


Numerical modeling of coastal processes.

Beach morphodynamics.

Coastal risk assessment.

Coastal zone management.

Evaluation of the impacts of climate change and flooding in coastal areas.