Pre-doctoral Researcher


+34 942 20 16 16 Ext.


Elsy Ticse holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in Science with a specialization in Physical Oceanography. She earned her degrees by conducting research on hydrodynamic changes along the Peruvian coast and the Gulf of Mexico, using ocean simulation models (CROCO, ROMS) in climatological years to simulate hypothetical scenarios. During her master’s studies, she used numerical data from her simulations to release Lagrangian particles and describe the circulation of a hydrodynamic system that has been affected by human intervention in recent decades, impacting the biogeochemical systems of a natural reserve. For her bachelor’s degree, she developed an algorithm for the detection and description of mesoscale eddies using numerical data, thus improving the description of ocean dynamics in scenarios with different wind stresses.

Additionally, Elsy worked as a research assistant at two research centers: the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) with Dr. Ivonne Montes, and the Gulf of Mexico Research Consortium (CIGOM) with Dr. Alejandro Páres. She used numerical modeling in both for different projects.

Currently, she conducts her professional activities in the Group of Oceanography, Estuaries, and Water Quality, where she is pursuing doctoral research on “Global Numerical Modeling of Sea Level Focused on the Meteorological Tide Component and Its Climatic Behavior” using the “Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO)” model for her simulations.


Physical Oceanography.

Numerical Modeling.

Climate Change.