Juan Pablo García Montealegre

Predoctoral Researcher


+34 942 20 16 16 Ext.


Juan Pablo is a civil engineer and hydrologist, specialised in water resources management. He graduated with merit from the civil engineering programme at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali, Colombia) and was awarded the Javeriana Order of Academic Merit for the best academic record of his graduating class. There, he began his professional career as a teaching assistant, and then joined the construction sector, accumulating experience for about two years.

Subsequently, he obtained two scholarships to take the Master’s degree in Hydrology and Water Resources Management offered jointly by the University of Alcalá and the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain). He graduated again as the best student in his class and obtained the “Honourable Mention” in his Master’s thesis for his research on the infiltration of pharmacological compounds in agricultural soils as a result of the reuse of indirect wastewater.

He is currently a pre-doctoral contract holder at IHCantabria, with funding from the Spanish Government’s University Teacher Training programme to carry out a doctoral thesis project at the University of Cantabria. This project aims to study the water stress of groundwater resources in the context of climate change in tropical regions.


Integrated water resources management and modelling.
