Juan Manuel López Torralbo



+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56122


Juan Manuel López Torralbo has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universi está graduado en Ciencias Ambientales, por la Universidad de Granada. Su trabajo fin de grado abordó la “Estimación de biomasa en el parque natural de Sierra de Huétor (Granada), mediante la combinación de datos LiDAR y Clasificación supervisada”. Durante este periodo realizó dos estancias: en la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) y en la Universidad de Aveiro (Portugal).

Juan Manuel López Torralbo has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Granada. His final degree project addressed “Estimation of biomass in the Sierra de Huétor natural park (Granada), through the combination of LiDAR data and supervised classification.” During this period he completed two internships: at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and at the University of Aveiro (Portugal).

He specialized in the use of geographic information systems (GIS), Remote Sensing and Geostatistics, in the public and private spheres; Based on  this experience, he worked and collaborated on very varied topics ─for example, from an ecological, forestry, urban planning and noise-control approach─ and participated in various international conferences.

Additionally, he studied an official master’s program in Geomatics, Remote Sensing and Spatial Models Applied to Forest Management at the University of Córdoba. His final master’s thesis was titled: “Temporal change in forest biomass in Sierra Nevada (Granada), based on LiDAR and forest inventory data.”

He worked at the IISTA Research Center (Interuniversity Institute for Earth System Research in Andalusia), in Granada, where he addressed topics related to LiDAR, both in forestry, ecology and urban areas.

Currently, he is working as a technologist at IHCantabria, linked to the COPERNICUS REMOTE SENSING group.



Optical remote sensing.




Recruitment carried out under the collaborative programme on R+D+I integrated into the complementary plan in the area of ​​marine sciences funded by the European Union –NextGenerationEU, PRTR (C17.I1) / MICIU / Government of Cantabria