David Coterillo González

Project Technician


+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56145


David Coterillo González obtained the title of Higher Technician in Administration of Computer Network Systems and Higher Technician in Web Application Development. He has specialized training in “Video Game Development and Virtual Reality with Unity 3D” and in the Development of Multiplatform Applications.

His professional activity has spanned various companies in the private sector, focused on the development of desktop processes, web/mobile application software and system maintenance.

In 2019 he joined IHCantabria as a full stack developer, being part of the Information Technologies and Supercomputing Laboratory. His activity at IHCantabria has been focused on the design and development of Web applications in On-Premise architectures, in their back-end * and front-end * components. Currently, he is specialized in DevOps practices, design and implementation of software solutions and API development; as well as in its integration and deployment in Cloud and On-Premise architectures.​


Back-end component*: database management and design; design and development of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which enable the interoperability of the subsystems; and CRUD operations using languages, access objects and mapping tools.

Front-end component*: analysis of interactivity and usability of the application, as well as the design and development of software components in the web server environment, using specific tools, languages ​​and frameworks.