

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56165


Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering in 2005 and later in Telecommunication Engineering in 2008 at the University of Cantabria. He carried out his final project with an internship in the company ACORDE Technologies S.A. and later joined its staff in June 2008, where, as an R&D engineer, he participated in numerous research projects of both national and European programs, as well as in the development of commercial products.

During this stage he acquired skills in simulation, design and development of electronic circuits; maintenance and repair of equipment; measurement and performance procedures; handling of all types of laboratory and field instrumentation; planning and monitoring of projects; and preparation of bids.

In November 2014 he joined IHCantabria, with the fundamental objective of carrying out all the activities related to instrumentation and electronics necessary for the preparation, execution and evaluation of tests in the laboratories of the Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin (CCOB).


Advanced measurement techniques in the field of hydraulics.

Design and development of electronic instrumentation and associated software.

Real-time control systems.

3D printing.

Reduced-scale model testing.