Purchasing Service

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56238


Graduated in Business Sciences from the Universidad de Cantabria in 1996 and with an extensive subsequent training, mainly through the CEOE-CEPYME in business management and administration of SMEs, collegiate since 1997 in the Illustrious College of Commercial and Business Graduates of Cantabria.

Throughout her professional career, she worked as an Occupational Trainer, teaching subjects related to business entrepreneurship, within the framework of training courses financed by the EU and managed by Astillero Town Council.

She has extensive experience in companies in the private sector, in which she performed various administrative functions and where for a decade she developed professionally as Controller and Head of Purchasing.

In March 2014 he joined the Economic Management Unit of the Cantabria Environmental Hydraulics Institute Foundation, carrying out, among other tasks, supplier accounting, expenditure control and purchase management necessary for the execution of the different projects developed by IHCantabria.