Alessandro Romano


Alessandro Romano is Associate Professor at the Roma Tre University (Roma, Italy) since November 2021. He obtained a Master Degree in Civil Engineering at the Roma Tre University in 2009 and later, in 2013, the PhD title at the same University.

He has been Postdoc Researcher at the Roma Tre University until 2014 and later at the Sapienza University of Rome until 2019. In 2020-2021 he has been Senior Researcher at IHCantabria – Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain). Actually he is attached to the Climate, Energy and marine Infrastructures group of Universidad de Cantabria. 

Within his research path he addressed mainly the experimental and numerical modelling of landslide-generated tsunamis, the wave overtopping phenomena, the experimental and numerical modelling of wave-structure interaction, the aspects related to coastal dynamics and management. He is author of 1 book chapter, 21 research articles published in peer-reviewed international journals and more than 35 articles published in conference proceedings. He participated in several research projects, both national and international. Moreover, he participated in more than 20 R&D projects for public administrations and companies.

He is reviewer for several international journal and he has been member the Scientific Committee of several international conferences (e.g. MedCoast 2018, Coastal Structures 2019). Moreover, he has been National Secretary of the Italian Section of the International Association PIANC – Waterborne Transport, Navigation, Ports, Waterways and member of the Commission Rapporteur for several projects at the Italian High Council for the Public Works.


Experimental and numerical modeling of tsunamis generated by landslides.

Wave overtopping phenomena.

Experimental and numerical modeling of flow-structure interaction.

Coastal dynamics and management.
