Awards and Mentions

IHCantabria seeks excellence in all its activity, and one of the best indicators of this are the awards and mentions that over the years we have been receiving.

Jaume I Awards Ceremony- 2018


2023National Award for Innovation in Engineering "Leonardo Torres Quevedo" from the Fundación CaminosIHCantabria
20221st Offshore Wind Energy AwardAwarded for the “promotion and development of offshore wind energy in Spain”
2020Cantabria Digital Awards for the best professional websiteIHCantabria
2019Juan López Peñalverawarded by the Royal Academy of Engineering to the Offshore Engineering and Renewable Energies group for its outstanding professional contributions to Spanish engineering.
2019EUDatathonSecond prize in the European EUDatathon competition with the "Blue Time Machine"
2018Singular Project COHESION30 -Funds FEDERRecognition as a singular project of the investment of FEDER funds
2018World leader in normalized impact according to the 2018 Shanghai Ranking in the Marine/Ocean Engineering Category.
2016Cantabria Digital Awards for the best mobile applicationIHTsusy
2016Laboratory of Excellence for the Test of Hexavalent Chromium (CR (VI)). Certificate of Excellence awarded by ERA (Environmental Resource Associates)
2016Best Demonstration Poster Award - Wind Energy EuropeTELWIND Project
2016Best Work of the Year Award - 55th Congress of Naval EngineersTELWIND Project
2014Iberoamerican prize MiríadaXROM 5.1 On-line Course
2009Social Council Award of the Universidad de CantabriaAssessment of the effects of climate change on coastal zones
2009BBVA Foundation AwardActions in Biodiversity Conservation in Spain


2022Torres Quevedo National Research Award Iñigo J. LosadaFor his scientific career in engineering
2022Primer Premio Modesto ViguerasDavid LucioMethodology for projecting the impacts of climate change on coastal and port structures
2021Premio “M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award"Iñigo J. Losada Rodríguez
2021Medal of Professional Achievement - Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid (Association of Civil Engineers of Madrid)César Vidal
2021Second Prize Modesto ViguerasCamilo Jaramillo CardonaEquilibrium shoreline evolution model for inset beaches
2021Excellent Young Challenger Benedetto di Paolo, Javier López Lara, Gabriel Barajas, María Maza, Alessandro Romano, Íñigo Aniel Quiroga e Íñigo J. Losada.Blind prediction for tsunami simulation
2020First Prize Modesto VIiguerasAlexandra Toimil SilvaMulti-sectoral analysis of flood and erosion risks from climate change in a context of uncertainty
2019Second Prize Modesto ViguerasIñigo Aniel-QuirogaAdvances in the resilient design of marine structures exposed to tsunami action
2018Premio Jaume I de Protección del Medio AmbienteIñigo J. Losada Rodríguez
2018Premios Extraordinarios de Doctorado – Universidad de CantabriaJavier BárcenaDevelopment of a methodology to delimit zones of mixing of industrial discharges in estuaries
2018Premios Extraordinarios de Doctorado – Universidad de CantabriaMaría E. MazaExperimental and numerical modelling of wave interaction with natural ecosystems for coastal protection
2017Primer premio Nacional de Trabajo de Fin de MasterSalvador NavasEvaluation and analysis of the risk of flooding of the Besaya River as it passes through Los Corrales de Buelna, Cantabria
2017Premio John G. Moffat-Frank E. Nichol de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas de la Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros Civiles (ASCE)Iñigo J. Losada Rodríguez
2017Premios IIAMA al mejor Trabajo Académico en Ingeniería del AguaJared Ortiz AnguloDesign of an artificial surfing reef at Somo-Loredo beach
2016Lección Enrico Marchi – Asociación Italiana de Ingeniería HidráulicaIñigo J. Losada RodríguezThe challenges of transdisciplinarity in hydraulic engineering
2014Premio Jóvenes Investigadores Congreso A.E.C. (Fundación ENDESA)Javier DíezProjection of future cyclone activity based on synoptic patterns of sea surface temperatureThe challenges of transdisciplinarity in hydraulic engineering
Jorge PérezMulti-model wave climate projections in the North Atlantic
2014Premio Modesto ViguerasPablo Higuera CaubillaMethodology for the Integration of Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling in the Design of Maritime Structures
2014Medalla al Mérito Profesional – Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de MadridIñigo J. Losada Rodríguez
20148º Simposio Internacional de INORE1er Premio – Adrián de AndrésTechno-Economic assesment of a Wave Energy converter
2º Premio – Arantza IturriozA simplified numerical model for the first stages of OWC analysis
2014Premio Consejo Social a la Tesis DoctoralYanira Guanche GarcíaMonte Carlo Climate-based simulation techniques for coastal and oceanic application
2013Premio Modesto ViguerasPaula Camus
2013Premio mejor Comunicación Oral ISOBAY 2013Elvira Ramos ManzanoEcological classification of rocky shores at a regional scale based on coastal physical attributes
2012EDP University ChallengeAdrián de AndrésWEFIES: Wave Energy Farms applied to Isolated Electrical Systems (Parques de Energía Undimotriz para Sistemas Eléctricos Aislados)
J. Miguel Martínez Martínez
Fernando del Jesús Peñil
2011Premio Modesto ViguerasAntonio Tomás SampedroCalibration of Maritime Climate Reanalysis Databases
2011Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universidad de CantabriaAna J. Abascal SantillanaAdvances in Hydrocarbon Transport Modeling. Application in the Response to Accidental Marine Spills.
2011Mejor Tesis Doctoral otorgado por la Asociación Nacional de Constructores IndependientesCristina Izaguirre LasaStudy of the climatic variability of wave extreme values
2009Medal of Professional Achievement - Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid (Association of Civil Engineers of Madrid)Raúl Medina
2009Premio de Investigación de Medio Ambiente 2009. Consejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de CantabriaXabier Guinda SalsamendiDevelopment of procedures applicable to the assessment of the ecological status of coastal water bodies, under the Water Framework Directive
2009Premio Fundación Repsol otorgado por la Real Academia de Doctores de EspañaAna J. Abascal Santillana
2007Premio Modesto ViguerasFernando López MeraAnalysis of the stability of passable and submerged dikes using RANS modeling
2007Premio de Investigación del Medio Ambiente 2007. Consejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de CantabriaBeatriz Echávarri ErasunStudy of the effects on the coastal environment derived from the implementation of integral drainage systems on the Cantabrian coast