The Spanish Gob. presents the lines that will mark the strategy, in whose design IHCantabria collaborates, to protect the coast of the Balearic Islands of climate change

The Spanish Gob. presents the lines that will mark the strategy, in whose design IHCantabria collaborates, to protect the coast of the Balearic Islands of climate change

NOTICIAS The Spanish Gob. presents the lines that will mark the strategy, in whose design IHCantabria collaborates, to protect the coast of the Balearic Islands of climate change El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO) avanza en la...
IHCantabria as part of The Interreg Atlantic Area funded PORTOS Project is delighted to announce the 2ND CALL FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVICE TESTING

IHCantabria as part of The Interreg Atlantic Area funded PORTOS Project is delighted to announce the 2ND CALL FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVICE TESTING

NEWS IHCantabria as part of The Interreg Atlantic Area funded PORTOS Project is delighted to announce the 2ND CALL FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVICE TESTING Technologists within the Atlantic Area are invited to submit applications outlining their novel marine renewable...