Presential and semi-presential Continuous Training Courses (CTC)
In any public or private organization, the periodic updating of the knowledge of its Human Resources represents one of the most important assets and a guarantee of efficiency and solvency to face new challenges in a highly qualified and specialized society.
IHCantabria offers a program of Continuous Training Courses (CTC) using different teaching formats in order to adapt the students’ availability to the learning processes.
These courses deal with eminently practical aspects related to analysis techniques, models, methodologies and procedures in the fields of engineering, ecology and the sustainable management of natural and anthropogenic systems associated with the water cycle.
The courses, with equivalent lengths between 1 and 6 ECTS (25-150 teaching hours), are aimed at professionals, technicians and students who require expert training. This is based on a deep basic and applied knowledge of processes, dynamics and trends of aquatic systems, on different scales and socio-ecological contexts.
Many of the CTCs are part of the Universidad de Cantabria´s degree offerings and are also subjects that are integrated into the Universidad de Cantabria’s Specialization Diplomas of the Universidad de Cantabria.