Marian Gomis Herrera

Project technology

+34 942 20 16 16


Marian holds a degree in Maritime Engineering from the University of Cantabria (2017) and a Master in Naval and Oceanic Engineering from the Universidade da Coruña (2024). She started her professional career at IHCantabria (2023) where she developed her Master’s Thesis focused on the analysis of the response of mooring systems for floating solar plants. She is a member of the Offshore Engineering and Marine Energy Group of IHCantabria and her activity is focused on the analysis of the hydrodynamic behavior of floating solar plants and their mooring systems.



Research on new mooring systems for singular floating structures.

Numerical modeling of the dynamic behavior of floating artifacts.

Development of new methodologies for the analysis of the hydro-mechanical behavior of floating structures.

Analysis of numerical and experimental results.

PR-H2CVAL4-C1-2022-0082 Grant of the Call for Incentive Programme 4: Basic-fundamental research challenges, innovative pilots and training in key enabling technologies within the incentive programmes for the innovative value chain and knowledge of renewable hydrogen funded by the EU – NextGenerationEU/PRTR/ MITERD / IDAE