María Cristina Morán Luis
María Cristina Morán Luis has a PhD in Biological Resources and Biodiversity from the University of Oviedo (2017, Cum Laude). She also completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (2009) and a Master’s Degree in Experimental Techniques Applied to the Conservation and Management of Biological Resources (2010) at the same University. Currently (2024), she is about to finish a Master in Bioinformatics (International University of Valencia, VIU).
Her doctorate was focused on the study of population dynamics and the evaluation of the conservation status of an endangered species, the Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus), through the application of molecular and genetic techniques and the use of non-invasive samples. During the last years she has developed extensive experience in various laboratory techniques both during her predoctoral stay (Conservation Genetics Laboratory (GECOBI) in Argentina), and in the molecular laboratory of the IMIB (Joint Biodiversity Research Institute, UO/ AP/CSIC).
Since 2021 she has been working in the Continental Ecosystems Group of IHCantabria where she collaborates in various tasks of both applied research and transfer. Her research focuses on developing the full potential of new molecular techniques focused on the study of environmental DNA samples with the aim of expanding knowledge about the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems and their conservation status.
Monitoring, tracking and evaluation of continental aquatic ecosystems.
Aquatic biodiversity.
Molecular techniques applied to the analysis of environmental DNA samples.
Development of bioinformatics analysis flows (metataxonomics).