Director of Education and Capacity Building

Head of Hydrobiology and Environmental Management Area

Principal Investigator
+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56405


José A Juanes de la Peña holds a PhD in Biological Sciences and is a Professor at the University attached to the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria). Since 1982 he has developed his research in different fields of ecohydrology and environmental hydraulics. He has participated in numerous national and European projects related to the evaluation, diagnosis, risk analysis and integrated management of aquatic systems.

He has published more than 70 articles in scientific journals, as well as numerous collaborations in books and informative journals, with greater emphasis in the field of coastal ecology and the environmental management of actions (e.g. discharges to the sea) and human activities (e.g. ports) in this medium.

Since 2007 he has been the Director of the Official Master’s Degree in Environmental Management of Water Systems (GASH) and the associated Doctorate Programme (CTGASH), coordinating the management of the official postgraduate teaching of IHCantabria, through the colleges of the School of Roads, Canals and Ports and the Doctorate School of the Universidad de Cantabria (EDUC), and the specialized and continuous training, in collaboration with other entities.


Benthonic ecology

Ecological status of coastal systems

Conservation of Coastal Habitats

Environmental Risk Assessment

Integrated Management of Aquatic Systems