Francisco Luis Martín Gallego

+34 942 20 16 16


Francisco Martín is Civil Engineer, graduated in Hydraulics, Oceanography and Environment by the University of Cantabria (1984-1990), PhD in Civil Engineering by the University of Cantabria (1991-1995), Associate Professor at University of Cantabria (1996-). He was also President of the Santander Port Authority (2021-2023), Minister of Industry, Tourism and Transport for the Cantabrian Government (2015-2021), Director of Technologic Transference at IH Cantabria (2011-2015),  Minister of the Environment for the Cantabrian Government (2007-2011), Director General of Hydraulic Works and the Integral Water Cycle for the Cantabrian Government (2003-2007), Visiting Professor in the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University (1999-2000).

His main research interests include port infrastructures design and optimization, Marina design and management, he has made a notable contribution to the innovation in the application of empirical techniques related to breakwatwer design. In terms of publications, he has authored more tan 40 technical papers, more than 60 communications in national and international conferences. He has supervised two Ph.D. Thesis and was awarded the “Gustav Willems” Prize by the PIANC.

During his professional career, Francisco stands out mainly for his capacity to promote multidisciplinary working groups and collaborative scientific excellence and knowledge transfer, in particular to the port sector. As a result of such work, he has participated in more than 30 national and international projects.

Francisco is an experienced sailor for more than 40 years.


Wave propagation.

Design and optimization of port and coastal structures.

Characterization and fleet prognosis.

Experimental methods in laboratory and field.

Calculation and risk reduction in maritime works execution.

Adaptation of port infrastructure to climate change.

Maintenance of depths and sustainability of dredging.


Martín, F.L (1999). Experimental study of wave forces on rubble mound breakwater crown walls. International Bulletin PIANC, Bulletin nº 102 – 1999. Ed. Asamblea Internacional Permanente de los Congresos de Navegación, Octubre, 1999. Artículo galardonado con el Premio Internacional Gustav Willems de Investigación (PIANC) 1999, págs. 23-54.

Martín, F.L., Medina, R., (2003). “Treatment of Wave Breaking and Total Absorption in a Mild-Slope Equation FEM Model”. Discussion published on: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, Nº 129. pp 237-240.

Ensayos de gran escala sobre tipologías especiales de diques: esfuerzos del oleaje sobre un dique vertical antirreflejante. Junio 2015. XIII Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos.   Alvaro Álvarez, Pedro Lomonaco, Francisco. L. Martín, Charlie Vergnet.

Experimental analysis of long waves at harbour entrances Abril 2005. Coastal Engineering 2004 – 29th International Conference. Javier L. Lara, Francisco L. Martin, I.J. Losada, Gabriel Díaz-Hernández.

Wave height and period parameters for damage description on rubble – mound breakwaters. Abril 2005, Coastal Engineering 2004 – 29th International Conference. Cesar Vidal, Raul Medina, Francisco L. Martin, Leonardo Migoya.

Measurement of Armor Damage on Rubble Mound Structures: Comparison Between Different Methodologies. Septiembre 2004. Conference Coastal Structures 2003. Cesar Vidal, Francisco L. Martin, Vicente Negro, Jaime H Garcia Palacios.

Análisis experimental de ondas largas en la bocana del puerto de Gijón. Diciembre 2002 Ingeniería del Agua. Javier L Lara, Francisco L Martin, I.J. Losada.

Medina, R., Marino-Tapia, I., Osorio, A., Davidson, M., Martín, F.L., (2006). “Management of dynamic navigational channels using video techniques”. Publicado en la revista Coastal Engineering, Ed. Elsevier. Vol 54. Nº 6. pp 523-537.

Vidal, C., Medina, R., Monserrat, S., Martín, F.L., (2001). “Harbor resonance induced by pressure-forced surface waves”. Congreso 27th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 27, Sydney, Australia, Julio 2000). Proc.: 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering.2000. Págs. 3615-3628.

Osorio, A., Medina, R., Bastón, A., González, E.M., Vidal, C., Marcano, D., Martín, F.L., (2005). “Utilización de imágenes de video para la gestión de los dragados de mantenimiento de la canal de navegación del puerto de Santander”. En: VII Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. Sitges.  Ed. Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua. CD-ROM.