Fernando Rodríguez
Fernando Rodríguez has a degree in Biology from the University of Oviedo and is an environmental impact assessment technician. He has a master’s degree in Biodiversity from the Autonomous University of Madrid, specializing in the branch of zoology and marine biology.
Currently, he works with an internship contract as a technologist in the Freshwater Ecosystems ecosystems group of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria. His work consists on the analysis of the evaluation criteria of terrestial habitats, the use of geomatics for the evaluation of habitats and the collection of samples for different proyects.
Analysis, design and definition of the conceptual framework for nature-based solutions (NbS).
Calculation of dasometric variables through Geographic Information Systems (GIS / ArcGis Pro) based on data derived from remote sensors.
Calculation of the conservation status of habitats as part of the Habitats Directive report.
Esta entidad ha recibido una subvención destinada al Programa de Prácticas Laborales en empresas, fundaciones y otras entidades del Sector Público de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en el marco de la Garantía Juvenil, cofinanciada al 91,89 % por el Gobierno de Cantabria y el Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil 2014-2020