Eduardo Del Río Ruiz

Project technician

+34 942 20 16 16


Eduardo Del Río Ruiz graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Cantabria, specializing in Computer Science. He is currently pursuing an online master’s degree program in Data Science.

He did an internship at Solvay Química S.L., in Torrelavega, where he managed the computer systems and mobile applications used in this company.

He has worked as a consultant for IPS Norte, mainly with foundries of the Draxton Group.

He has recently joined the IT Group of IHCantabria, to contribute in the programming and back-end development, as well as contributing in the area of data analysis.


Atmospheric modeling with the WRF-ARW model.

Operational wind and wave systems.

Statistical analysis of meteoceanographic variables,

Climate change, climate variability and climate characterization.

Wind and wave energy.


Contracting carried out within the framework of the collaborative R+D+I program integrated in the complementary plan in the area of marine sciences financed by the European Union -NextGenerationEU, PRTR (C17.I1) / MICIU / Government of Cantabria.