Claudia Cruz

Predoctoral Researcher

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56261


Claudia Cruz Lorenzo is currently a predoctoral researcher in the Adaptation, Resilience, and Climate Risks group at IHCantabria. She graduated in Computer Science from the Central University Martha Abreu of Las Villas.

After graduating, she worked as a researcher at the Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment of Cuba, and later at the Center for Environmental Studies and Services of Villa Clara, in the same country.

She pursued postgraduate courses in the Master’s programs in Applied Computing and Water Engineering. She also participated in the GeoInformatics Diploma program under the ITEC program in India.

Since 2018, she worked at the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy of the Environmental Agency in Cuba, where she served as the National Coordinator for Disaster Risk Studies.

In 2023, she began her PhD program at IHCantabria, where she is conducting research focused on the assessment of multiple risks enhanced by climate change due to hurricanes.

Research Lines

Studies on disaster risks related to climate change.

Analysis and characterization of climate risk on coasts.

Evaluation of risks associated with hurricanes.

Ecosystem-based coastal adaptation.